Hexagon Shield
– This is a custom shader, you can use texture or not. I have referenced from the video of Brackeys: FORCE FIELD in Unity – SHADER GRAPH
– I use VisualShader to do it, then get the code, I’m pretty bad at shader code so I don’t understand how to fix them. So I’m happy when people contribute and fix them.
- It is recommended to use repeating textures so that the shader when moving will not create folds. Use a black and white texture. To make the texture visible, we increase and decrease the “step”.
- To make the shader brighter, refer to picster video: Glow effect in Godot
- Texture references I put in Screenshots.
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform vec4 Color_Shield : hint_color;
uniform float Step;
uniform vec3 Speed;
uniform sampler2D Texture;
uniform float Size_Inner;
uniform float Opaticy;
uniform float Size_Outer;
// SphericalUV
vec2 sphericalFunc(vec2 _uv_shprc1, vec2 _p0s_shprc1, vec2 _rad_shprc1, vec2 _sp1n_shprc1, vec2 _l0c_p0s_shprc1){
vec2 _temp_p = (_uv_shprc1 - _p0s_shprc1) * 2.0;
float _temp_rad = length((_temp_p - _l0c_p0s_shprc1) * _rad_shprc1) + 0.0001;
float _temp_f = (1.0 - sqrt(1.0 - _temp_rad)) / _temp_rad;
return mod(vec2((_temp_p.x * 0.5 * _temp_f + _sp1n_shprc1.x) + 0.5,
(_temp_p.y * 0.5 * _temp_f + _sp1n_shprc1.y) + 0.5), vec2(1.0));
// TilingAndOffsetUVAnimated
vec2 tilingNoffsetAnimatedFunc(vec2 _uv_tN0A, float _t1me_tN0A, vec2 _offset_tN0A){
return vec2(mod((_uv_tN0A.x + _offset_tN0A.x * _t1me_tN0A), 1.0), mod((_uv_tN0A.y + _offset_tN0A.y * _t1me_tN0A), 1.0));
void vertex() {
// Output:0
void fragment() {
// ColorUniform:8
vec3 n_out8p0 = Color_Shield.rgb;
float n_out8p1 = Color_Shield.a;
// ScalarUniform:49
float n_out49p0 = Step;
// SphericalUV:40
vec3 n_in40p1 = vec3(1.00000, 1.00000, 0.00000);
vec3 n_in40p2 = vec3(0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
vec3 n_in40p3 = vec3(0.50000, 0.50000, 0.00000);
vec3 n_in40p4 = vec3(0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
vec3 n_out40p0;
n_out40p0.xy = sphericalFunc(UV.xy, n_in40p3.xy, n_in40p1.xy, n_in40p2.xy, n_in40p4.xy);
// VectorUniform:42
vec3 n_out42p0 = Speed;
// Input:44
float n_out44p0 = TIME;
// TilingAndOffsetUVAnimated:39
vec3 n_out39p0;
n_out39p0.xy = n_out39p0.xy + tilingNoffsetAnimatedFunc(n_out40p0.xy, n_out44p0, n_out42p0.xy);
// Input:3
vec3 n_out3p0 = vec3(UV, 0.0);
// Vector:2
vec3 n_out2p0 = vec3(0.500000, 0.500000, 0.000000);
// Distance:4
float n_out4p0 = distance(n_out3p0, n_out2p0);
// ScalarOp:5
float n_in5p0 = 0.50000;
float n_out5p0 = step(n_in5p0, n_out4p0);
// ScalarOp:9
float n_in9p0 = 1.00000;
float n_out9p0 = n_in9p0 - n_out5p0;
// VectorOp:41
vec3 n_out41p0 = n_out39p0 * vec3(n_out9p0);
// TextureUniform:47
vec3 n_out47p0;
float n_out47p1;
vec4 n_tex_read = texture(Texture, n_out41p0.xy);
n_out47p0 = n_tex_read.rgb;
n_out47p1 = n_tex_read.a;
// ScalarOp:28
float n_out28p0 = step(n_out49p0, dot(n_out47p0, vec3(0.333333, 0.333333, 0.333333)));
// ScalarUniform:11
float n_out11p0 = Size_Inner;
// ScalarSmoothStep:6
float n_in6p1 = 0.50000;
float n_out6p0 = smoothstep(n_out11p0, n_in6p1, n_out4p0);
// ScalarOp:10
float n_out10p0 = n_out9p0 * n_out6p0;
// ScalarOp:29
float n_out29p0 = n_out28p0 * n_out10p0;
// ScalarUniform:12
float n_out12p0 = Opaticy;
// ScalarOp:13
float n_out13p0 = n_out29p0 * n_out12p0;
// ScalarOp:17
float n_in17p0 = 0.50000;
float n_out17p0 = step(n_in17p0, n_out4p0);
// ScalarOp:19
float n_in19p0 = 1.00000;
float n_out19p0 = n_in19p0 - n_out17p0;
// ScalarUniform:21
float n_out21p0 = Size_Outer;
// ScalarSmoothStep:18
float n_in18p1 = 0.50000;
float n_out18p0 = smoothstep(n_out21p0, n_in18p1, n_out4p0);
// ScalarOp:20
float n_out20p0 = n_out19p0 * n_out18p0;
// Scalar:26
float n_out26p0 = 0.500000;
// ScalarOp:25
float n_out25p0 = n_out12p0 + n_out26p0;
// ScalarOp:23
float n_out23p0 = n_out20p0 * n_out25p0;
// ScalarOp:24
float n_out24p0 = n_out13p0 + n_out23p0;
// ScalarOp:46
float n_out46p0 = n_out8p1 * n_out24p0;
// ScalarOp:48
float n_in48p0 = 1.20000;
float n_out48p0 = n_in48p0 * n_out46p0;
// Output:0
COLOR.rgb = n_out8p0;
COLOR.a = n_out48p0;
in godot how did you get the visual shader preview to show up as a sphere
for me it only shows up as a square texture?
I learned how to make spheres while watching a few video tutorials on youtube. I then used the shaderV plugin to create this.