PlayWithFurcifer’s Sprite Pixel Explosion Shader

This is a port of PlayWithFurcifer’s Sprite Explosion Effect Shader into Godot 4

This shader allows you to explode any sprite into it’s component pixels (or any other shape!) using GPU Particles


  1. Create a GPUParticle2D Scene
  2. Set Time>Explosiveness to 1
  3. Set Texture to your desired particle shape. If you want your sprite to explode into individual pixels, make use 1 white pixel. Other small shapes, such as stars or hearts, work well
  4. set Amount to the resolution of your image (1024 for a 32×32 sprite). This is a general baseline, but you can lower or raise the amount of particles to change the look of the effect.
  5. ProcessMaterial > NewShaderMaterial > New Shader copy and paste the shader code into the shader
  6. Set ProcessMaterial > NewShaderMaterial > New Shader > Shader Parameters > Sprite to your desired explosion sprite. You can set the sprite programmatically as well, using set_shader_param
  7. Set … > Shader Parameters > Box Extents to fit the size of your sprite. I set it to 100, 100 by default, but this may clip your sprite if it is larger.
  8. Set Emitting to false and Time > One Shot to true if you want this to be a single explosion


This is a break down of all the shader’s parameters and what they do


  • INITIAL_LINEAR_VELOCITY_  The speed at which the particle moves away from the sprites center
  • LINEAR_ACCEL_ The rate at which linear velocity is gained/lost. A negative number causes a particle’s linear velocity to slow down with time, while a positive value causes it to increase with time.
  • ORBIT_VELOCITY_ The speed at which the particles rotates around the sprites center
  • TANGENT_ACCEL_ The rate at which orbit velocity is gained/lost. A negative number causes a particle’s orbit velocity to slow down with time, while a positive value causes it to increase with time. Creates a twisting effect, unlike setting orbit velocity explicitly.
  • RADIAL_VELOCITY_ Similar to Linear Velocity, but creates a bulged/warped effect from the center outward.
  • RADIAL_ACCEL_ The rate at which radial velocity is gained/lost. A negative number causes a particle’s radial velocity to slow down with time, while a positive value causes it to increase with time. 
  • DAMPING_ The rate at which all velocity is lost
  • SCALE_ The size of an individual particle. Increasing this value can make a sprite look more coherent while using less particles.
  • LIFETIME_RANDOMNESS A number that changes the variance of particle life times. Increasing this number causes different particles to fade out at different times.
  • EMISSION_SHAPE_OFFSET The offset of the image. Can be used to explode images stored in an atlas or spritesheet, or only explode portions of the image.
  • EMISSION_SHAPE_SCALE The scale of the emission box extents. Equivocal to changing the emission box extents manually.
  • EMISSION_BOX_EXTENTS The square that particles are spawned within. Change the x and y numbers to fit your image within the particle render square.
  • SPRITE The sprite being exploded


Shader code
// Sprite Particle Explosion Shader made in Godot 4.2.1 
// port of PlayWithFurcifers shader
// Ported by Mopifish

shader_type particles;
render_mode disable_velocity;

uniform float spread = 180;
uniform float inherit_emitter_velocity_ratio = 0;
uniform float initial_linear_velocity_min = 100;
uniform float initial_linear_velocity_max = 100;
uniform float orbit_velocity_min;
uniform float orbit_velocity_max;
uniform float radial_velocity_min;
uniform float radial_velocity_max;
uniform float linear_accel_min;
uniform float linear_accel_max;
uniform float radial_accel_min;
uniform float radial_accel_max;
uniform float tangent_accel_min;
uniform float tangent_accel_max;
uniform float damping_min;
uniform float damping_max;
uniform float scale_min = 1;
uniform float scale_max = 1;
uniform float lifetime_randomness;
uniform vec3 emission_shape_offset = vec3(0.);
uniform vec3 emission_shape_scale = vec3(1.);
uniform vec3 emission_box_extents = vec3(100, 100, 0.);
uniform sampler2D sprite:repeat_disable;

float rand_from_seed(inout uint seed) {
	int k;
	int s = int(seed);
	if (s == 0)
	s = 305420679;
	k = s / 127773;
	s = 16807 * (s - k * 127773) - 2836 * k;
	if (s < 0)
		s += 2147483647;
	seed = uint(s);
	return float(seed % uint(65536)) / 65535.0;

float rand_from_seed_m1_p1(inout uint seed) {
	return rand_from_seed(seed) * 2.0 - 1.0;

uint hash(uint x) {
	x = ((x >> uint(16)) ^ x) * uint(73244475);
	x = ((x >> uint(16)) ^ x) * uint(73244475);
	x = (x >> uint(16)) ^ x;
	return x;

struct DisplayParameters{
	vec3 scale;
	float lifetime;

struct DynamicsParameters{
	float initial_velocity_multiplier;
	float radial_velocity;
	float orbit_velocity;
struct PhysicalParameters{
	float linear_accel;
	float radial_accel;
	float tangent_accel;
	float damping;

void calculate_initial_physical_params(inout PhysicalParameters params, inout uint alt_seed){
	params.linear_accel = mix(linear_accel_min, linear_accel_max, rand_from_seed(alt_seed));
	params.radial_accel = mix(radial_accel_min, radial_accel_max, rand_from_seed(alt_seed));
	params.tangent_accel = mix(tangent_accel_min, tangent_accel_max, rand_from_seed(alt_seed));
	params.damping = mix(damping_min, damping_max, rand_from_seed(alt_seed));
void calculate_initial_dynamics_params(inout DynamicsParameters params,inout uint alt_seed){
	// -------------------- ADD NEW OPERATIONS AT THE BOTTOM
	params.initial_velocity_multiplier = mix(initial_linear_velocity_min, initial_linear_velocity_max,rand_from_seed(alt_seed));
	params.radial_velocity = mix(radial_velocity_min, radial_velocity_max,rand_from_seed(alt_seed));
	params.orbit_velocity = mix(orbit_velocity_min, orbit_velocity_max,rand_from_seed(alt_seed));
void calculate_initial_display_params(inout DisplayParameters params,inout uint alt_seed){
	// -------------------- ADD NEW OPERATIONS AT THE BOTTOM
	float pi = 3.14159;
	float degree_to_rad = pi / 180.0;
	params.scale = vec3(mix(scale_min, scale_max, rand_from_seed(alt_seed)));
	params.scale = sign(params.scale) * max(abs(params.scale), 0.001);
	params.lifetime = (1.0 - lifetime_randomness * rand_from_seed(alt_seed));
vec3 calculate_initial_position(inout uint alt_seed) {
	float pi = 3.14159;
	float degree_to_rad = pi / 180.0;
	vec3 pos = vec3(0.);
			pos = vec3(rand_from_seed(alt_seed) * 2.0 - 1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed) * 2.0 - 1.0, rand_from_seed(alt_seed) * 2.0 - 1.0) * emission_box_extents;
	return pos * emission_shape_scale + emission_shape_offset;

vec3 get_random_direction_from_spread(inout uint alt_seed, float spread_angle){
	float pi = 3.14159;
	float degree_to_rad = pi / 180.0;
	vec3 velocity = vec3(0.);
	float spread_rad = spread_angle * degree_to_rad;
	float angle1_rad = rand_from_seed_m1_p1(alt_seed) * spread_rad;
	float angle2_rad = rand_from_seed_m1_p1(alt_seed) * spread_rad * (1.0);
	vec3 direction_xz = vec3(sin(angle1_rad), 0.0, cos(angle1_rad));
	vec3 direction_yz = vec3(0.0, sin(angle2_rad), cos(angle2_rad));
	direction_yz.z = direction_yz.z / max(0.0001,sqrt(abs(direction_yz.z))); // better uniform distribution
	vec3 spread_direction = vec3(direction_xz.x * direction_yz.z, direction_yz.y, direction_xz.z * direction_yz.z);
	vec3 direction_nrm = length(vec3(0.0)) > 0.0 ? normalize(vec3(0.0)) : vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
	// rotate spread to direction
	vec3 binormal = cross(vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), direction_nrm);
	if (length(binormal) < 0.0001) {
		// direction is parallel to Y. Choose Z as the binormal.
		binormal = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
	binormal = normalize(binormal);
	vec3 normal = cross(binormal, direction_nrm);
	spread_direction = binormal * spread_direction.x + normal * spread_direction.y + direction_nrm * spread_direction.z;
	return spread_direction;

vec3 process_orbit_displacement(DynamicsParameters param, float lifetime, inout uint alt_seed, mat4 transform, mat4 emission_transform,float delta, float total_lifetime){
	if(abs(param.orbit_velocity) < 0.01 || delta < 0.001){ return vec3(0.0);}

	vec3 displacement = vec3(0.);
	float pi = 3.14159;
	float degree_to_rad = pi / 180.0;
	float orbit_amount = param.orbit_velocity;
	if (orbit_amount != 0.0) {
       vec3 pos = transform[3].xyz;
       vec3 org = emission_transform[3].xyz;
       vec3 diff = pos - org;
	     float ang = orbit_amount * pi * 2.0 * delta;
	     mat2 rot = mat2(vec2(cos(ang), -sin(ang)), vec2(sin(ang), cos(ang)));
	     displacement.xy -= diff.xy;
        displacement.xy += rot * diff.xy;
       return (emission_transform * vec4(displacement/delta, 0.0)).xyz;
vec3 process_radial_displacement(DynamicsParameters param, float lifetime, inout uint alt_seed, mat4 transform, mat4 emission_transform, float delta){
	vec3 radial_displacement = vec3(0.0);
	if (delta < 0.001){
		return radial_displacement;
	float radial_displacement_multiplier = 1.0;
	if(length(transform[3].xyz ) > 0.01){
		radial_displacement = normalize(transform[3].xyz) * radial_displacement_multiplier * param.radial_velocity;
	}else{radial_displacement = get_random_direction_from_spread(alt_seed, 360.0)* param.radial_velocity;} 
	if (radial_displacement_multiplier * param.radial_velocity < 0.0){
 // Prevent inwards velocity to flicker once the point is reached.		if (length(radial_displacement) > 0.01){
		radial_displacement = normalize(radial_displacement) * min(abs((radial_displacement_multiplier * param.radial_velocity)), length(transform[3].xyz) / delta);
	return radial_displacement;

void start() {
	uint base_number = NUMBER;
	uint alt_seed = hash(base_number + uint(1) + RANDOM_SEED);
	DisplayParameters params;
	calculate_initial_display_params(params, alt_seed);
	DynamicsParameters dynamic_params;
	calculate_initial_dynamics_params(dynamic_params, alt_seed);
	PhysicalParameters physics_params;
	calculate_initial_physical_params(physics_params, alt_seed);
	if (rand_from_seed(alt_seed) > AMOUNT_RATIO) {
		ACTIVE = false;
	float pi = 3.14159;
	float degree_to_rad = pi / 180.0;
		CUSTOM = vec4(0.);
		CUSTOM.w = params.lifetime;
		TRANSFORM[0].xyz = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
		TRANSFORM[1].xyz = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
		TRANSFORM[2].xyz = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

		TRANSFORM[3].xyz = calculate_initial_position(alt_seed);
		VELOCITY = get_random_direction_from_spread(alt_seed, spread) * dynamic_params.initial_velocity_multiplier;
	VELOCITY += EMITTER_VELOCITY * inherit_emitter_velocity_ratio;
		VELOCITY.z = 0.;
		TRANSFORM[3].z = 0.;
	// Set particle to match sprite pixel color
	vec2 particlePosition = TRANSFORM[3].xy;
	vec2 texture5 = vec2(textureSize(sprite, 0));
	vec4 spriteColor = texture(sprite, particlePosition/texture5 + vec2(0.5, 0.5));
	COLOR = spriteColor;
	// Disable transparent particles
	if (spriteColor.a == 0.0){ ACTIVE = false;}

void process() {
	uint base_number = NUMBER;

	uint alt_seed = hash(base_number + uint(1) + RANDOM_SEED);
	DisplayParameters params;
	calculate_initial_display_params(params, alt_seed);
	DynamicsParameters dynamic_params;
	calculate_initial_dynamics_params(dynamic_params, alt_seed);
	PhysicalParameters physics_params;
	calculate_initial_physical_params(physics_params, alt_seed);
	float pi = 3.14159;
	float degree_to_rad = pi / 180.0;

	float lifetime_percent = CUSTOM.y/ params.lifetime;
	if (CUSTOM.y > CUSTOM.w) {
		ACTIVE = false;
	// will use this later to calculate final displacement and orient the particle.
	vec3 starting_position = TRANSFORM[3].xyz;
	vec3 controlled_displacement = vec3(0.0);
	// calculate all velocity
	controlled_displacement += process_orbit_displacement(dynamic_params, lifetime_percent, alt_seed, TRANSFORM, EMISSION_TRANSFORM, DELTA, params.lifetime * LIFETIME);
	controlled_displacement += process_radial_displacement(dynamic_params, lifetime_percent, alt_seed, TRANSFORM, EMISSION_TRANSFORM, DELTA);
	vec3 force;
		// copied from previous version
		vec3 pos = TRANSFORM[3].xyz;
		// apply linear acceleration
		force += length(VELOCITY) > 0.0 ? normalize(VELOCITY) * physics_params.linear_accel : vec3(0.0);
		// apply radial acceleration
		vec3 org = EMISSION_TRANSFORM[3].xyz;
		vec3 diff = pos - org;
		force += length(diff) > 0.0 ? normalize(diff) * physics_params.radial_accel : vec3(0.0);
		// apply tangential acceleration;
		float tangent_accel_val = physics_params.tangent_accel;
       force += length(diff.yx) > 0.0 ? vec3(normalize(diff.yx * vec2(-1.0, 1.0)), 0.0) * tangent_accel_val : vec3(0.0);

		// apply attractor forces
			force.z = 0.;
		VELOCITY += force * DELTA;
		// copied from previous version
		if (physics_params.damping > 0.0) {
			float v = length(VELOCITY);
			v -= physics_params.damping * DELTA;
			if (v < 0.0) {
				VELOCITY = vec3(0.0);
			} else {
				VELOCITY = normalize(VELOCITY) * v;
	// turbulence before limiting
	vec3 final_velocity = controlled_displacement + VELOCITY;
	// limit velocity
		final_velocity.z = 0.;
	TRANSFORM[3].xyz += final_velocity * DELTA;
	TRANSFORM[0] = vec4(cos(CUSTOM.x), -sin(CUSTOM.x), 0.0, 0.0);
	TRANSFORM[1] = vec4(sin(CUSTOM.x), cos(CUSTOM.x), 0.0, 0.0);
	TRANSFORM[2] = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
	TRANSFORM[3].z = 0.0;
	// Apply Scale
	TRANSFORM[0].xyz *= sign(params.scale.x) * max(abs(params.scale.x), 0.001);
	TRANSFORM[1].xyz *= sign(params.scale.y) * max(abs(params.scale.y), 0.001);
	TRANSFORM[2].xyz *= sign(params.scale.z) * max(abs(params.scale.z), 0.001);
	if (CUSTOM.y > CUSTOM.w) {
		ACTIVE = false;
	// Fade out pixels as time progresses
	if (COLOR.a > 0.0){

explode, explosion, particle explosion, pixel explosion
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under CC0 license and can be used freely without the author's permission. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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5 months ago

When I followed the steps, nothing happened. The particles no longer emitted.

5 months ago
Reply to  nkds

I also tried with the steps from the video. There is something in this shader? missing? 4.2.2 (it surely can’t be that different with 4.2.2)
The very moment you paste the code it stops emitting no matter what I tried

Last edited 5 months ago by nkds
3 months ago
Reply to  nkds

did you figured out why its not working?

2 months ago
Reply to  daniel

Sorry late reply. Not.

5 months ago

Works like a charm, thanks! I tried to adapt their shader to 4.2 but got lost in the shader sauce.

5 months ago
Reply to  b0rax

Update: Seems I was hasty. It works in the editor and in a stand-alone scene, but no particles appear when scene is loaded elsewhere in the tree.

3 months ago
Reply to  b0rax

Turn on Local Coords in the Drawing category, it will work anywhere, at least for me.

Mehrzad sepahi
Mehrzad sepahi
2 months ago

For me It’s working on mac godot 4.2.2 but on windows nothing is shown. What shall i do?

mehrzad sepahi
mehrzad sepahi
1 month ago
Reply to  Mehrzad sepahi

also it works fine on directx12 on windows

1 month ago


If it doesn’t seem to show in-game, try to turn on “Local Coords” in the Drawing category.