2D Electric arc, plasma effect

Based on this: https://godotshaders.com/shader/2d-lightning-electric-arc-plasma/ 

Attach a shader with this code in the material of a 2D sprite or other canvasitem.

I wanted more control over the effect, this includes:

* Fixed Endpoints (gives a consistent start or/and end point for the arc)

* multiple adjustments for scale, width, speed etc

* Arc across the x or y axis


Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;

 * Arc effect shader by Giles McArdell 2024
 * For creating electric arc and similar effects.
 * based on lumenfruits shader here : https://godotshaders.com/shader/2d-lightning-electric-arc-plasma/

group_uniforms line;
/** The line to draw, usually you want a thin light centre fading quickly to transparent */
uniform sampler2D line_gradient;
/** Width of the line texture */
uniform float width:     hint_range (0.0,1.0);
/** Fix the line start point to the centre */
uniform bool fix_start =  false;
/** Fix the line end point to the centre*/
uniform bool fix_end =    false;
/** Switch the effect across the x or y axis */
uniform bool inverted  =  false;
group_uniforms noise;
/** A noise texture to provide the variation in the line */
uniform sampler2D noise_texture;
/** The rate at which the shader moves its sampling position over the noise texture*/
uniform float speed:     hint_range (0.0,5.0); 
/** How much the noise moves the line from the centre */
uniform float variation: hint_range (0.0,1.0);
/** Scale (width) of the effect */
uniform float scale:     hint_range(0.0, 100.0);
/** number of times the noise repeats ( < 1.0 stretches the effect, > 1.0 compresses the effect) */
uniform float repeats:   hint_range(0.0, 50.0);

void fragment(){
	vec2 in_uv = UV;
	if (inverted) {in_uv = vec2(UV.y, UV.x);} // Reverse the axes if inverted
	in_uv.y = ((in_uv.y - .5) / scale + .5); // scale the y axis
	// Get the noise value for this point at this time
	float repeat_x = mod(in_uv.x * repeats, 1.); // Alter the x sample position for for the number of repeats
	// now grab the a float value from the noise texture at a time adjusted location
	vec2 noise_uv = vec2(mod(repeat_x+(TIME/4.)*speed,1.0), mod(in_uv.y-(TIME)*speed,1.0));
	float noise_sample = texture(noise_texture, noise_uv).r;
	// Set a varied offset for where to grab from the line gradient texture
	float new_variation = variation;
	// as UV.x gets near the ends use UV.x for variation if it is less than "variation" (IE variation reduces as it approaches the end)
	if (fix_start) {new_variation = (min(new_variation, in_uv.x));}
	if (fix_end) {new_variation = (min(new_variation, 1.0-in_uv.x));}
	float gradient_offset = noise_sample*new_variation - new_variation / 2.;
	// Grab the colour from the line gradient texture offset by a varied amount
	COLOR = texture(line_gradient, vec2((in_uv.y-0.5 )/width + 0.5 + gradient_offset/width, in_uv.x));
arc, Electric, plasma
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under CC0 license and can be used freely without the author's permission. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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