2D Sprite “Cartridge Tilting Glitch”

A small shader that can be attached to a sprite. This shader will allow you to simulate the graphical glitches that we could see on the old consoles when we touched the cartridge in the middle of a game!


Works event better with a sprite sheet animated sprite (see screenshots).

Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;

uniform float red_displacement : hint_range(-1.0,1.0) = 0.0;
uniform float green_displacement : hint_range(-1.0,1.0) = 0.0;
uniform float blue_displacement : hint_range(-1.0,1.0) = 0.0;
uniform float ghost : hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.0;
uniform float intensity : hint_range(0.0,1.0) = 0.0;
uniform float scan_effect : hint_range(0.0,1.0) = 0.0;
uniform float distortion_effect : hint_range(0.0,1.0) = 0.0;
uniform float negative_effect : hint_range(0.0,1.0) = 0.0;

void fragment()
	vec4 baseTexture = texture(TEXTURE, UV);
	vec4 color1 = texture(TEXTURE, UV+vec2(sin(TIME*0.2*intensity), tan(UV.y)));
	COLOR = (1.0-scan_effect)*baseTexture*0.75 + scan_effect*color1;
	vec4 color2 = texture(TEXTURE, UV+vec2(fract(TIME*0.01*intensity), cos(fract(TIME*intensity)*10.0)));
	COLOR = COLOR + ((1.0-distortion_effect)*baseTexture*0.75 + distortion_effect*color2);
	vec4 color3 = texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(fract(TIME*0.1*intensity), tan(TIME*0.02*intensity) ));
	COLOR = COLOR - ((1.0-negative_effect)*baseTexture*0.5 + negative_effect*color3);
	COLOR.r = (1.0-red_displacement)*baseTexture.r + red_displacement*texture(TEXTURE, UV-vec2(sin(TIME*0.1*intensity) + 0.2, 0.1)).r;
	COLOR.g = (1.0-green_displacement)*baseTexture.g +  green_displacement*texture(TEXTURE, UV+vec2(- 0.2, sin(TIME*0.1*intensity))).g;
	COLOR.b = (1.0-blue_displacement)*baseTexture.b + blue_displacement*texture(TEXTURE, UV+vec2(sin(TIME*0.1*intensity) + 0.2, 0.1)).b;
	COLOR = COLOR + texture(TEXTURE, UV + UV*ghost)*ghost;
2d, glitch
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under CC0 license and can be used freely without the author's permission. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

Related shaders

2D outline/inline, configured for sprite sheets

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3 months ago

What would be some presets for this shader?