Alpha blend
I found that I couldn’t find a suitable transparent blending algorithm, so I made one by myself.
The core part of this shader is the following function. You can copy and use it.
vec4 alpha_blend(vec4 o,vec4 n){
float sum = n.a + o.a;
sum = clamp(sum,0.0001,1.0);
float rate = n.a / sum;
vec4 res = mix(o,n,rate);
res.a = clamp(n.a+o.a,0.0,1.0);
return res;
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform sampler2D pic;
vec4 alpha_blend(vec4 o,vec4 n){
float sum = n.a + o.a;
sum = clamp(sum,0.0001,1.0);
float rate = n.a / sum;
vec4 res = mix(o,n,rate);
res.a = clamp(n.a+o.a,0.0,1.0);
return res;
void fragment() {
COLOR = alpha_blend(COLOR,texture(pic,mod(UV,1.0)));