Basic Cloud Shader

This is my first attempt at a complicated 3d shader and am relatively happy with how it came out. Took some principles from the Guerilla Games paper of 

Shader code
shader_type fog;

uniform float falloff = 0.0;
uniform float radius = 1.0;
uniform float flatness = 1.0;

uniform vec2 uv_dir = vec2(0,0);

uniform sampler2D primary_noise_tex : repeat_enable;
uniform float primary_noise_scale = 1.0;

uniform sampler2D seconary_noise_tex : repeat_enable;
uniform float secondary_noise_scale = 1.0;

float beersPowder(float l) {
	float beersValue = pow(E, -l);
	float powderValue = 1.0 - pow(E, (-l * 2.0));

	return max(20.0, (log(powderValue/beersValue) / log(10.0)));

	//return (powderValue / beersValue);

void fog() {
	vec2 move_uv = uv_dir * TIME;

	float primary_noise = texture(primary_noise_tex, WORLD_POSITION.xz*primary_noise_scale + move_uv).r;
	float second_noise = texture(seconary_noise_tex, WORLD_POSITION.xz*secondary_noise_scale + (move_uv*vec2(.2,.2))).r;

	float noise = primary_noise*second_noise;

	float sdf = - SDF;

	DENSITY = step(-radius, l);
	DENSITY *= mix(1.0, noise, UVW.y*flatness);

	DENSITY *= smoothstep(0.0, falloff, sdf);

	float holding = beersPowder(l);

	ALBEDO = vec3(holding,holding,holding);

	// Called once for every froxel that is touched by an axis-aligned bounding box
	// of the associated FogVolume. This means that froxels that just barely touch
	// a given FogVolume will still be used.
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under CC0 license and can be used freely without the author's permission. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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