Basic Cloud Shader
This is my first attempt at a complicated 3d shader and am relatively happy with how it came out. Took some principles from the Guerilla Games paper of
Shader code
shader_type fog;
uniform float falloff = 0.0;
uniform float radius = 1.0;
uniform float flatness = 1.0;
uniform vec2 uv_dir = vec2(0,0);
uniform sampler2D primary_noise_tex : repeat_enable;
uniform float primary_noise_scale = 1.0;
uniform sampler2D seconary_noise_tex : repeat_enable;
uniform float secondary_noise_scale = 1.0;
float beersPowder(float l) {
float beersValue = pow(E, -l);
float powderValue = 1.0 - pow(E, (-l * 2.0));
return max(20.0, (log(powderValue/beersValue) / log(10.0)));
//return (powderValue / beersValue);
void fog() {
vec2 move_uv = uv_dir * TIME;
float primary_noise = texture(primary_noise_tex, WORLD_POSITION.xz*primary_noise_scale + move_uv).r;
float second_noise = texture(seconary_noise_tex, WORLD_POSITION.xz*secondary_noise_scale + (move_uv*vec2(.2,.2))).r;
float noise = primary_noise*second_noise;
float sdf = - SDF;
DENSITY = step(-radius, l);
DENSITY *= mix(1.0, noise, UVW.y*flatness);
DENSITY *= smoothstep(0.0, falloff, sdf);
float holding = beersPowder(l);
ALBEDO = vec3(holding,holding,holding);
// Called once for every froxel that is touched by an axis-aligned bounding box
// of the associated FogVolume. This means that froxels that just barely touch
// a given FogVolume will still be used.