Custom Phong shader written via Nodes
use this if you want a custom phong shader with colored Specular and to be able to understand how the ‘Lighting’ part of a Visual shader works
Shader code
shader_type spatial;
render_mode cull_disabled, specular_phong;
uniform float Hardness;
uniform float SpecularPower;
uniform vec4 Diffuse_Color : hint_color;
uniform sampler2D Texture4;
uniform sampler2D Texture3;
uniform sampler2D Texture2;
uniform sampler2D Texture1;
uniform vec4 Specular_Color : hint_color;
uniform float SpecularPower2;
void vertex() {
// Output:0
void fragment() {
// ScalarUniform:7
float n_out7p0 = Hardness;
// Scalar:6
float n_out6p0 = 1.000000;
// ScalarUniform:5
float n_out5p0 = SpecularPower;
// ScalarOp:4
float n_out4p0 = n_out6p0 / n_out5p0;
// ScalarOp:3
float n_out3p0 = n_out7p0 * n_out4p0;
// ScalarOp:18
float n_out18p0 = n_out7p0 * n_out3p0;
// Output:0
SPECULAR = n_out18p0;
void light() {
// Input:86
vec3 n_out86p0 = ALBEDO;
// Input:127
vec3 n_out127p0 = ATTENUATION;
// VectorOp:128
vec3 n_out128p0 = n_out86p0 * n_out127p0;
// ColorUniform:107
vec3 n_out107p0 = Diffuse_Color.rgb;
float n_out107p1 = Diffuse_Color.a;
// VectorOp:106
vec3 n_out106p0 = n_out107p0 * vec3(n_out107p1);
// TextureUniform:126
vec3 n_out126p0;
float n_out126p1;
vec4 n_tex_read = texture(Texture4, UV.xy);
n_out126p0 = n_tex_read.rgb;
n_out126p1 = n_tex_read.a;
// TextureUniform:125
vec3 n_out125p0;
float n_out125p1;
vec4 n_tex_read = texture(Texture3, UV.xy);
n_out125p0 = n_tex_read.rgb;
n_out125p1 = n_tex_read.a;
// VectorOp:115
vec3 n_out115p0 = n_out126p0 * n_out125p0;
// TextureUniform:124
vec3 n_out124p0;
float n_out124p1;
vec4 n_tex_read = texture(Texture2, UV.xy);
n_out124p0 = n_tex_read.rgb;
n_out124p1 = n_tex_read.a;
// VectorOp:110
vec3 n_out110p0 = n_out115p0 * n_out124p0;
// TextureUniform:123
vec3 n_out123p0;
float n_out123p1;
vec4 n_tex_read = texture(Texture1, UV.xy);
n_out123p0 = n_tex_read.rgb;
n_out123p1 = n_tex_read.a;
// VectorOp:114
vec3 n_out114p0 = n_out110p0 * n_out123p0;
// VectorOp:109
vec3 n_out109p0 = n_out106p0 * n_out114p0;
// VectorOp:91
vec3 n_out91p0 = n_out128p0 * n_out109p0;
// VectorOp:90
vec3 n_in90p1 = vec3(0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);
vec3 n_out90p0 = n_out91p0 + n_in90p1;
// Input:74
vec3 n_out74p0 = LIGHT;
// Input:71
vec3 n_out71p0 = NORMAL;
// DotProduct:68
float n_out68p0 = dot(n_out74p0, n_out71p0);
// ScalarOp:69
float n_in69p1 = 0.00000;
float n_out69p0 = max(n_out68p0, n_in69p1);
// Input:76
vec3 n_out76p0 = LIGHT_COLOR;
// VectorOp:77
vec3 n_out77p0 = vec3(n_out69p0) * n_out76p0;
// VectorOp:75
vec3 n_out75p0 = n_out90p0 * n_out77p0;
// Input:95
vec3 n_out95p0 = DIFFUSE_LIGHT;
// VectorOp:96
vec3 n_out96p0 = n_out75p0 + n_out95p0;
// Input:88
vec3 n_out88p0 = VIEW;
// VectorFunc:93
vec3 n_out93p0 = -(n_out88p0);
// VectorOp:79
vec3 n_out79p0 = reflect(n_out93p0, n_out71p0);
// DotProduct:82
float n_out82p0 = dot(n_out74p0, n_out79p0);
// ScalarOp:83
float n_in83p1 = 0.00000;
float n_out83p0 = max(n_out82p0, n_in83p1);
// ScalarOp:78
float n_in78p1 = 40.00000;
float n_out78p0 = pow(n_out83p0, n_in78p1);
// VectorOp:84
vec3 n_out84p0 = n_out76p0 * vec3(n_out78p0);
// Input:98
vec3 n_out98p0 = SPECULAR_LIGHT;
// VectorOp:97
vec3 n_out97p0 = n_out84p0 + n_out98p0;
// ColorUniform:108
vec3 n_out108p0 = Specular_Color.rgb;
float n_out108p1 = Specular_Color.a;
// VectorOp:101
vec3 n_out101p0 = n_out108p0 * vec3(n_out108p1);
// ScalarUniform:104
float n_out104p0 = SpecularPower2;
// Scalar:105
float n_out105p0 = 1.000000;
// VectorOp:103
vec3 n_out103p0 = vec3(n_out104p0) / vec3(n_out105p0);
// VectorOp:102
vec3 n_out102p0 = n_out101p0 + n_out103p0;
// VectorOp:100
vec3 n_out100p0 = n_out97p0 * n_out102p0;
// Output:0
DIFFUSE_LIGHT = n_out96p0;
SPECULAR_LIGHT = n_out100p0;
Hey, I love the look of this shader, but I’m having trouble implementing it into Godot. It says that specular_phong is an invalid render mode. I was wondering how you got it to work, or if it is for an older version of Godot only. thanks!