fireball fire ball with light
use with colorrect or sprite..
build your own fireball
scale it to make it looks like more directional
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
render_mode blend_add;
uniform float s_scale_y = 1.0;
uniform float l_s_scale_y = 1.0;
uniform float lness = 1.0;
uniform float lness2 = .0;
uniform sampler2D noise : repeat_enable, filter_nearest_mipmap_anisotropic;
uniform sampler2D noise2 : repeat_enable, filter_nearest_mipmap_anisotropic;
uniform sampler2D colo_curve;
vec4 f1(vec2 uv, float time){
vec4 nv2 = texture(noise, uv + vec2(time, 0.0));
vec4 n2v2 = texture(noise2, uv + vec2(time*.8, 0.0));
nv2.a = max(0., nv2.a + uv.x - 1.0);
n2v2.a = max(0., n2v2.a + uv.x - 1.0);
return nv2 * n2v2;
void fragment()
vec2 mUV = UV * 4. - 1.5;
vec2 uv = mUV * vec2(1., s_scale_y);
float time = TIME;
vec2 cuv = mUV - vec2(.5);
float d2c = length(cuv);
vec4 color = COLOR;
color *= (f1(uv, time) + f1(uv + vec2(.1,0.), time+11.514) + f1(uv+vec2(.05,0.), time+14.14));
color.a -= 1.0;
color.a = - pow(color.a, 2.0) + 1.0;
color.rgb = texture(colo_curve, vec2(color.a,0.)).rgb;
float randmoo = texture(noise2, mUV + vec2(time, -time)).a;
randmoo = mix(randmoo, 0., mUV.x);
color.a *= smoothstep(.5, .48 - (.2 - min(mUV.x, 1.0)*.2), d2c + randmoo * 0.4);
COLOR = color;
COLOR.rgb = mix(COLOR.rgb, vec3(.0), smoothstep(0.00001, 0.0, color.a));
// light
float d2c_l = length(UV * vec2(1., l_s_scale_y) - vec2(.58, .5*l_s_scale_y));
float l = - log(d2c_l + lness2) * lness;
float randmoo2 = texture(noise2, vec2(time, -time)).a;
COLOR += texture(colo_curve, vec2(1.0-d2c_l - .1*randmoo2, 0.0)) * l;
//COLOR += vec4(.8, .8, .6, 1.0) * l;
COLOR.a *= smoothstep(0.5, 0.1, length(UV - vec2(.5)));
Do you have noise texture and colo curve to send? I wanna see an example Thanks!