Focused Blast
Multiple intersecting waves representing focused energy that creates a particle. Points at the edges of a circle create waves that spread, expanding out to interfere and intersect with each other, growing until they combine at the centre of the circle, forming a focused hot spot. The underlying texture forms and expands at the focused hot spot. The waves keep travelling, eventually fading out to a bulbous shape and disappearing. The texture expands with the expanding wavefront, until it reaches its full size.
Shader Parameters:
- Point Count
- Wave Length (UV fraction)
- Focal Radius (UV fraction)
- Falloff SD
- Point SD
- Cycle Period (s)
- Starting offset (waves)
Note: this shader uses a global uniform value “animation_time” for starting and stopping the shader animation. This value needs to be declared in the Godot settings (Project -> Project Settings… -> Shader Globals -> {name: animation_time; type: float}) prior to using this shader. This value should be set up and updated within the _process function of your godot script.
If you want to change instead to the system time, then remove the “global uniform” line, and edit the line where timeFrac is declared at the start of the fragment function:
float timeFrac = mod(TIME, cycle_period);
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
// This shader adds on top of the existing texture a wave interference
// animation originating at equidistant points from the centre. The points
// collide in the centre of the texture to create a hot point of high energy.
// Created by David Eccles (gringer) <>
* Number of originating points
uniform int point_count = 6;
* Wavelength (as a proportion of the texture)
uniform float wave_length = 0.15;
* Radius of the circule including the focal points
uniform float focal_radius = 0.31;
* Standard Deviation for global pulse falloff
uniform float falloff_sd = 0.2;
* Standard Deviation for point pulse falloff
uniform float point_sd = 0.5;
* Standard Deviation for point pulse falloff
uniform float cycle_period = 10.0;
* Number of waves to offset start point
uniform float starting_offset = -0.75;
* Should the background texture be scaled based on the focused energy
uniform bool scale_texture = true;
global uniform float animation_time = 0.0;
vec2 map_scale(vec2 uv, float x, float y){
mat2 scale = mat2(vec2(x, 0.0), vec2(0.0, y));
uv -= 0.5; // centre on origin
uv = uv * scale; // apply scaling
uv += 0.5; // re-centre to 0.5,0.5
return uv;
void fragment() {
float ampSum = 0.0;
float timeFrac = mod(animation_time, cycle_period);
// Initial inteference pattern
for(int i = 0; i < point_count; i++){
vec2 pt = vec2(sin(float(i) * 2.0 * PI / float(point_count)) * focal_radius + 0.5,
cos(float(i) * 2.0 * PI / float(point_count)) * focal_radius + 0.5);
float dist = distance(pt, UV) / (wave_length);
float point_smoothing = 2.0 / (point_sd * sqrt(2.0 * PI)) *
exp(-1.0 * pow((dist - starting_offset - timeFrac / (wave_length * cycle_period)), 2.0) / pow(point_sd, 2.0));
ampSum += sin(fract(dist + starting_offset - timeFrac / (wave_length * cycle_period)) * 2.0 * PI) * point_smoothing;
// how many waves is it into the centre
float wave_centre_count = focal_radius / wave_length;
// how long does it take to get there?
float seconds_per_wave = wave_length * cycle_period;
// [added fudge of 'sqrt(cycle_period / 10.0)'; I don't know why this is needed]
float wave_centre_time = seconds_per_wave * wave_centre_count * sqrt(cycle_period / 10.0);
float mag_scale = 0.0;
if((timeFrac + starting_offset) > wave_centre_time){
mag_scale = (clamp(((timeFrac + starting_offset) - wave_centre_time) / (wave_centre_time), 0.0, 1.0));
} else {
mag_scale = 1.0;
// global filtering curve
float centreDist = distance(vec2(0.5, 0.5), UV);
float outer_smoothing = 1.0 / (falloff_sd * sqrt(2.0 * PI)) *
exp(-1.0 * pow(centreDist, 2.0) / pow(falloff_sd, 2.0));
ampSum *= outer_smoothing;
vec4 baseTexture = texture(TEXTURE, map_scale(UV, 1.0 / mag_scale, 1.0 / mag_scale));
// Called for every pixel the material is visible on.
vec4 colour = vec4(0.1 * ampSum,0.1 * ampSum, 0.1 * ampSum,abs(ampSum / 4.0));
COLOR = baseTexture + colour;