Line art
simple line art effect, change strength to modify detail
modifed from this shader
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform float strength = 0.01;
uniform vec4 color : hint_color;
void fragment(){
vec3 current_color = texture(TEXTURE, UV).rgb;
vec3 right_color = texture(TEXTURE, UV + vec2(SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE.x, 0)).rgb;
vec3 bottom_color = texture(TEXTURE, UV - vec2(0, SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE.y)).rgb;
float r_distance = length(current_color - right_color);
float b_distance = length(current_color - bottom_color);
COLOR.rgba = (r_distance > strength || b_distance > strength) ? color : vec4(0);
Too good to be true. Thank you.
For anyone wanting to try this out, try (godot logo) with value 0.07)