Low life flash 2D
Flash for Sprite node or Animated Sprite
A flash that can be used to hit the player or to announce that he is low on health can also be used on a large boss to announce that he is about to die.
It’s my second shader I’m learning little by little
I hope to improve it a bit later
Greetings to all!
Shader code
//Shader BY LURGX second shader */
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform bool shine: true;
uniform bool move: true;
uniform float side = 0.9;
uniform float up = 0.1;
uniform vec4 color: hint_color;
uniform float u_time: hint_range (0.,10.);
void vertex() {//Movement
if (move == true){
VERTEX += vec2(cos(TIME*u_time)*side,cos(TIME*u_time)*up);
void fragment() { //COLOR SHINE
if (shine == true){
COLOR = texture(TEXTURE, UV);
COLOR.rgb += vec3(color.r,color.g,color.b)*(abs(cos(TIME*u_time)));
looks to me like smt is blowing up =)
Thanks bro you make me feel good with your words