Multi-Frame Wipe
Wipe an image horizontally or vertically using a custom alpha. Supports wiping sprites that have multiple frames.
Tested with Godot 4.0.3, 4.1, and 4.1.1. This is a heavily modified version of Wipe Shader (4.0.3).
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
// Wipe an image horizontally or vertically using a custom alpha.
// Supports wiping sprites that have multiple frames.
// Taken from
uniform float percentage: hint_range(0, 1) = 1;
uniform float hidden_alpha: hint_range(0, 1) = 0;
uniform bool flip = false;
uniform bool horizontal = false;
uniform int frames = 1;
void fragment() {
float frame_uv_size = 1.0 / float(frames);
float uv_position = horizontal ? UV.x : UV.y;
// Reduce the uv_position in all frames to the same relative position in the
// first frame. For example: with 2 frames, a uv_position of 0.75 is 0.25
// away from the second frame's start of 0.5, so it will be reduced to 0.25.
uv_position -= frame_uv_size * floor(uv_position / frame_uv_size);
float frame_percentage = percentage / float(frames);
float step_value = flip ?
step(1.0 - frame_percentage, uv_position)
: step(uv_position, frame_percentage);
COLOR.a = texture(TEXTURE, UV).a * (hidden_alpha + step_value);