Noise-based CRT
A noise based CRT shader. Easily controllable using a noise texture and color ramp.
Originally created using VisualShader. Screenshots of the graph given.
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
render_mode blend_mix;
uniform bool VerticalLines = false;
uniform float Speed = 0.1;
uniform float TextureStretchValue = 5;
uniform sampler2D NoiseTexture : repeat_enable;
//The shader was originally created using VisualShader
void vertex() {
// BooleanParameter:10
bool n_out10p0 = VerticalLines;
// FloatParameter:8
float n_out8p0 = Speed;
vec2 n_out12p0;
// Expression:12
n_out12p0 = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
UV.x -= TIME * n_out8p0;
n_out12p0 = UV;
vec2 n_out7p0;
// Expression:7
n_out7p0 = vec2(0.0, 0.0);
UV.y -= TIME * n_out8p0;
n_out7p0 = UV;
vec2 n_out13p0;
// Switch:13
n_out13p0 = mix(n_out7p0, n_out12p0, float(n_out10p0));
// Output:0
UV = n_out13p0;
void fragment() {
// ParameterRef:9
bool n_out9p0 = VerticalLines;
// Input:11
vec2 n_out11p0 = UV;
// VectorDecompose:13
float n_out13p0 = n_out11p0.x;
float n_out13p1 = n_out11p0.y;
// FloatParameter:18
float n_out18p0 = TextureStretchValue;
// Reroute:19
float n_out19p0 = n_out18p0;
// FloatOp:12
float n_out12p0 = n_out13p0 * n_out19p0;
// VectorCompose:14
float n_in14p1 = 5.00000;
vec2 n_out14p0 = vec2(n_out12p0, n_in14p1);
// VectorDecompose:7
float n_out7p0 = n_out11p0.x;
float n_out7p1 = n_out11p0.y;
// FloatOp:5
float n_out5p0 = n_out7p1 * n_out19p0;
// VectorCompose:6
float n_in6p0 = 5.00000;
vec2 n_out6p0 = vec2(n_in6p0, n_out5p0);
vec2 n_out15p0;
// Switch:15
n_out15p0 = mix(n_out6p0, n_out14p0, float(n_out9p0));
vec4 n_out3p0;
// Texture2D:3
n_out3p0 = texture(NoiseTexture, n_out15p0);
// Output:0
COLOR.a = n_out3p0.x;