Pixel Animated Water
Works in godot 3.5
This is meant to be used as a ShaderMaterial on a TextureRect
The TextureRect needs to have a scrolling noise texture to work (I know this is possible to generate via godot, but I like this noise generator here that lets you download the texture as a png instead: http://kitfox.com/projects/perlinNoiseMaker/)
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
render_mode blend_mix,unshaded;
uniform float transparency : hint_range(0, 1) = 1.0;
uniform vec4 color0 : hint_color;
uniform vec4 color1 : hint_color;
uniform vec4 color2 : hint_color;
uniform vec4 color3 : hint_color;
uniform vec4 color4 : hint_color;
uniform vec4 color5 : hint_color;
uniform vec2 Direction1 = vec2(1, 0);
uniform vec2 Direction2 = vec2(1, 1);
uniform float Speed1 = 0.08;
uniform float Speed2 = 0.08;
uniform sampler2D noise;
uniform int pixel_size;
uniform float heatAmplitude : hint_range(0.0, 0.15);
uniform float heatPeriod;
uniform float heatPhaseShift;
uniform float heatUpperLimit : hint_range(0.5, 10.0);
vec4 get_pixelated_moving_colors(vec2 uv, vec2 direction, float speed) {
speed = speed / 1000.0;
vec2 moving_uv = uv + (direction * TIME * speed);
vec2 pixel_uv = round((moving_uv) * float(pixel_size)) / float(pixel_size);
vec4 pixelated_color = texture(noise, pixel_uv);
return pixelated_color;
bool is_in_threshold(vec4 old_color, float threshold_low, float threshold_hi){
if(threshold_low <= old_color.r + old_color.g + old_color.b && old_color.r + old_color.g + old_color.b < threshold_hi) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
vec4 smooth_extreme_colors(vec4 color) {
// Lower numbers are darker
float threshold_1 = 1.7;
float threshold_2 = 1.9;
float threshold_3 = 2.2;
float threshold_4 = 2.25;
float threshold_5 = 2.3;
// Dark to light
if (is_in_threshold(color, 0, threshold_1)) {
color = color0;
} else if (is_in_threshold(color, threshold_1, threshold_2)) {
color = color1;
} else if (is_in_threshold(color, threshold_2, threshold_3)) {
color = color2;
} else if (is_in_threshold(color, threshold_3, threshold_4)) {
color = color3;
} else if (is_in_threshold(color, threshold_4, threshold_5)) {
color = color4;
} else if (is_in_threshold(color, threshold_5, 3.0)) {
color = color5;
return color;
void fragment(){
vec4 pixelated_color = .5 * get_pixelated_moving_colors(UV, Direction1, Speed1);
pixelated_color += .5 * get_pixelated_moving_colors(UV, Direction2, Speed2);
vec4 smoothed_color = smooth_extreme_colors(pixelated_color);
COLOR = smoothed_color * transparency;
Thank you for this great shader!
Would this work in Godot 4?
It actually does, with little adaption.
“hint_color” must be changed to “source_color”
and after adding a noise texture you need to
change “uniform sampler2D noise;” to “uniform sampler2D noise : repeat_enable;”
For me it works that way in Godot4.
But I am struggeling finding good colors and parameters.