Positioned Shockwave
Based on the shockwave shader tutorial by Nolkaloid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCHdglr35pk
The shader itself is the same, but now you can pass the [global position of the object – global position of the camera] to the global_position uniform of the shader to make the shockwave emit from the object.
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform vec2 global_position;
uniform vec2 screen_size;
uniform float force;
uniform float size;
uniform float thickness;
void fragment(){
vec2 center = global_position;
center.x = center.x / screen_size.x;
center.x = (center.x - 0.5) / ratio + 0.5;
center.y = (screen_size.y - center.y) / screen_size.y;
vec2 scaledUV = (SCREEN_UV - vec2(0.5, 0.0) ) / vec2(ratio, 1.0) + vec2(0.5, 0.0);
float mask = (1.0 - smoothstep(size-0.1, size, length(scaledUV - center))) * smoothstep(size-thickness-0.1, size-thickness, length(scaledUV - center));
vec2 disp = normalize(SCREEN_UV - center) * force * mask;
um, we posted the same shader………
hi! yours does not account for the position of the object and the camera
huh didn’t realize that
Will this shader work in a 3D scene? I would like the shockwave appear to emanate from a 3D node.
This does not appear to work well in Godot 4.
yes! cause it was made for godot 3
Anyone had luck using this for Godot 4?
I managed to get it working by calculating the scaled center position for the original shader script. Using the get_screen_center_position() will make sure the visible global position is taken even when the camera limits are hit and the camera zoom’s effect on the viewport.
var target = get_tree().get_first_node_in_group(‘Enemies’)
var viewport_size := get_viewport_rect().size
var zoomed_view := viewport_size / cam.zoom
var cam_relative_pos = (target.global_position – cam.get_screen_center_position()) \
+ zoomed_view / 2.0
var ratio = zoomed_view.x / zoomed_view.y
var x = cam_relative_pos.x / zoomed_view.x
var y = cam_relative_pos.y / zoomed_view.y
x = (x – 0.5) * ratio + 0.5 # reversing the effect of scaling in shader
shock_material.set_shader_parameter(‘center’, Vector2(x,y))