Regionable Pseudo 3D

伪3d效果, 改良于, 而且在启用region的节点下也能正常工作

Pseudo 3D effect, improved upon And it can also work normally on nodes with region enabled

Shader code
// godot shader 

// 伪3d效果, 而且在启用region的节点下也能正常工作

shader_type canvas_item;

// Camera FOV

uniform float fov : hint_range(1, 179) = 90;

uniform bool cull_back = true;

uniform float y_rot : hint_range(-180, 180) = 0.0;

uniform float x_rot : hint_range(-180, 180) = 0.0;

uniform float inset : hint_range(0, 1) = 0.0;

// Consider changing this to a uniform and changing it from code

uniform float hovering;

uniform float rand_trans_power = 1.0;

uniform float rand_seed;

uniform float vortex_amt:hint_range(-10.0, 10.0, 0.1);

uniform float rotation:hint_range(-10.0, 10.0, 0.1) = 0.0;

// 全局着色器变量 在脚本中设置鼠标位置

global uniform vec2 mouse_screen_pos = vec2(0.0, 0.0);

uniform vec2 mouse_screen_pos_test = vec2(0.0, 0.0);

varying flat vec2 o;

varying vec3 p;

varying vec2 transformed_world_to_canvas_coordinates;

varying flat vec2 pivot;

varying flat vec2 region_rate;

varying flat mat3 inv_rot_mat;

vec2 rotate(vec2 uv, vec2 pivot_r, float angle)


	mat2 rotation_mat = mat2(vec2(cos(angle), -sin(angle)),

						vec2(sin(angle), cos(angle)));

	uv -= pivot_r;

	uv = uv * rotation_mat;

	uv += pivot_r;

	return uv;


// Creates rotation matrix

void vertex(){

	vec2 my_region_rate = abs(VERTEX) *2.0;

	region_rate = TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE * my_region_rate;

	if(VERTEX_ID == 0 ){

		pivot = UV ;


	if(VERTEX_ID == 1){

		pivot = UV - vec2(0.0, region_rate.y);


	if(VERTEX_ID == 2){

		pivot = UV - vec2(region_rate.x, region_rate.y);


	if(VERTEX_ID == 3){

		pivot = UV - vec2(region_rate.x, 0.0);


	float rand_angel = rand_trans_power * mod(TIME * (0.9 + mod(rand_seed, 0.5)), 2.0 * PI);

	vec2 rand_vec = vec2(cos(rand_angel), sin(rand_angel));

	transformed_world_to_canvas_coordinates = (inverse(MODEL_MATRIX) * vec4(mouse_screen_pos, 0.0, 1.0) ).xy;

	vec2 mouse_force = hovering * 0.5* (transformed_world_to_canvas_coordinates )/ length(region_rate/TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE) + rand_vec*0.05 *rand_trans_power;


	float sin_b = sin(y_rot / 180.0 * PI + mouse_force.x);

	float cos_b = cos(y_rot / 180.0 * PI + mouse_force.x);

	float sin_c = sin(x_rot / 180.0 * PI + -mouse_force.y);

	float cos_c = cos(x_rot / 180.0 * PI + -mouse_force.y);



	inv_rot_mat[0][0] = cos_b;

	inv_rot_mat[0][1] = 0.0;

	inv_rot_mat[0][2] = -sin_b;


	inv_rot_mat[1][0] = sin_b * sin_c;

	inv_rot_mat[1][1] = cos_c;

	inv_rot_mat[1][2] = cos_b * sin_c;


	inv_rot_mat[2][0] = sin_b * cos_c;

	inv_rot_mat[2][1] = -sin_c;

	inv_rot_mat[2][2] = cos_b * cos_c;



	vec2 uv = (UV - pivot ) / region_rate;


	float t = tan(fov / 360.0 * PI);

	VERTEX += (uv - 0.5) * 1.0*my_region_rate * t * (1.0 - inset);



void fragment(){

	vec2 uv = (UV - pivot ) / region_rate;


	float t = tan(fov / 360.0 * PI);

	p = inv_rot_mat * vec3((uv - 0.5), 0.5 / t);

	float v = (0.5 / t) + 0.5;

	p.xy *= v * inv_rot_mat[2].z;

	o = v * inv_rot_mat[2].xy;


	if (cull_back && p.z <= 0.0) discard;

	uv = (p.xy / p.z).xy - o;

	uv += 0.5;

	float asp = (region_rate/TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE).y/ (region_rate/TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE).x;

	uv.y *= asp;

	uv = rotate(uv, vec2(0.5, 0.5), rotation + rand_trans_power*0.05*sin(TIME * (0.9 + mod(rand_seed, 0.5)) + rand_seed * 123.8985));

	uv.y /= asp;


	if(uv.x >1.0 || uv.x < 0.0){



	if(uv.y >1.0 || uv.y < 0.0){



	uv = pivot + uv * region_rate;

  COLOR = texture(TEXTURE, uv);

2d, perspective
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under CC0 license and can be used freely without the author's permission. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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