2D Rotational Motion Blur

Adds rotational motion blur to canvas items like Sprite. Angle, rotation center, and quality of blur can be configured.

Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform vec2 pivot = vec2(0.0);
uniform float amount = 0.0;
uniform int quality = 4;
uniform bool marginDebug = false;
const float ROOT_TWO = 1.41421356237;

void vertex(){
	vertex = vertex * (2.0 * length(pivot) + ROOT_TWO) + pivot;
VERTEX += pivot;
	UV = (UV - 0.5) * (2.0 * length(pivot) + ROOT_TWO) + pivot + 0.5;

float insideUnitSquare(vec2 v) {
    vec2 s = step(vec2(0.0), v) - step(vec2(1.0), v);
    return s.x * s.y;   

vec2 rotate(vec2 uv, vec2 p, float angle)
	mat2 rotation = mat2(vec2(cos(angle), -sin(angle)),
						vec2(sin(angle), cos(angle)));
	uv -= p;
	uv = uv * rotation;
	uv += p;
	return uv;

void fragment(){
	float inSquare = insideUnitSquare(UV);
	float numSamples = inSquare;
	COLOR = texture(TEXTURE, UV) * inSquare;
	float stepSize = amount/(float(quality));
	vec2 uv;
	for(int i = 1; i <= quality; i++){
		uv = rotate(UV, pivot + 0.5, float(i)*stepSize);
		inSquare = insideUnitSquare(uv);
		numSamples += inSquare;
		COLOR += texture(TEXTURE, uv) * inSquare;
		uv = rotate(UV, pivot + 0.5, -float(i)*stepSize);
		inSquare = insideUnitSquare(uv);
		numSamples += inSquare;
		COLOR += texture(TEXTURE, uv) * inSquare;
	COLOR.rgb /= numSamples;
	COLOR.a /= float(quality)*2.0 + 1.0;
	if(marginDebug) COLOR += 0.1;
2d, blur, canvas
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under CC0 license and can be used freely without the author's permission. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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3 years ago

Doesn’t work well if the sprite is part of a bigger sprite sheet like when using AtlasTextures, so keep that in mind.