Rounded corners

Rounded corners for nodes. See comments for more information. Designed for Widgets. Please, read instructions before using.


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Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
// Shader to round corners of a canvas. The 'radius_scale' is multiplied by
// minimum(width, height)/2.0 to calculate the radius of the corners.
// Instructions:
// 1) The node that uses this shader must have signals 'tree_entered' and
// 'item_rect_changed' connected to a callable with the next code:
// material.set_shader_parameter("width", size.x)
// material.set_shader_parameter("height", size.y)
// Known issues:
// 1) If used on 'TextureRect', take care of 'expand_mode' and 'stretch_mode',
// because image corners might be outside node rectangle and therefore clipped.
// Corners are rounded, but they are outside node's rectangle.

uniform float radius_scale: hint_range(0.0, 1.0, 0.1) = 0.1;
uniform bool rounded_corner_top_left = true;
uniform bool rounded_corner_top_right = true;
uniform bool rounded_corner_bottom_left = true;
uniform bool rounded_corner_bottom_right = true;
uniform float width = 1.0;
uniform float height = 1.0;

void fragment() {
	vec4 image = texture(TEXTURE, UV);
	vec2 pos = vec2(UV.x*width, UV.y*height);
	float radius = min(width, height)*radius_scale/2.0;
	float dist;
	// Top left corner
	if (rounded_corner_top_left) {
		dist = length(pos - vec2(radius));
		if (dist > radius && pos.x < radius && pos.y < radius) {
			image.a = 0.0;
		// debugging only
//		if (dist < radius){image.r = 1.0;}
	// Top right corner
	if (rounded_corner_top_right) {
		dist = length(pos - vec2(width-radius, radius));
		if (dist > radius && pos.x > width-radius && pos.y < radius) {
			image.a = 0.0;
		// debugging only
//		if (dist < radius){image.r = 1.0;}
	// Bottom left corner
	if (rounded_corner_bottom_left) {
		dist = length(pos - vec2(radius, height-radius));
		if (dist > radius && pos.x < radius && pos.y > height-radius) {
			image.a = 0.0;
		// debugging only
//		if (dist < radius){image.r = 1.0;}
	// Bottom right corner
	if (rounded_corner_bottom_right) {
		dist = length(pos - vec2(width-radius, height-radius));
		if (dist > radius && pos.x > width-radius && pos.y > height-radius) {
			image.a = 0.0;
		// debugging only
//		if (dist < radius){image.r = 1.0;}
	COLOR = image;
corner, Rounded
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under MIT license and can be used freely. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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Rounded Corners

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