Shock damage
Simple shader that shakes the sprite, imitating a shock damage.
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
Color to use for the shock.
uniform vec3 shock_color : source_color = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
Initial amplitude of the shock. This will start at this amplitude and
gradually attenuate.
uniform float amplitude = 30.0;
How fast shold it move side to side, more frequency means it'll move more quickly
side to side.
uniform float frequecy = 10.0;
void vertex() {
float exponent = mod(TIME, 3.0);
VERTEX.x += amplitude * exp(-3.0*exponent) * sin(frequecy*exponent);
void fragment() {
float exponent = mod(TIME, 3.0);
vec3 normal_color = texture(TEXTURE, UV).rgb;
COLOR.rgb = normal_color + shock_color * exp(-3.0*exponent);
Neato! Thanks~
Really nice, thanks a lot!