Stencil / Masking in 3D
This is a shader, where you based on colors, can make stencil/ masking effects. The example is 3D, but a similar effect can achieved easy in 2D (same concept).
Possible Use-Cases
- Visibility Control
- UI Effects (like the Persona games)
- Portals / Windows
- Stylized Transitions
- More!
ℹ️ In this example I’m going to use Rendering Layer 16 to 20 for Masking effects. You can change that in your project. Also you can only use one Rendering Layer for everything but with different colors.
Your Main Camera(s)
- Choose your Camera3D object
- In Cull Mask disable all Layers from 16 to 20
Masking Object(s)
- Create/ Instance your Mesh and open Material
- Create
New StandardMaterial3D
- In Shading > Shading Mode set it to
- In Albedo > Color choose a Color of
- Under VisualInstance3D activate only Layer 16 (all other should be deactivated)
Create Stencil Mask Viewport
- Create Node3D and name it Stencil
- Add a Child Element to Stencil from Type SubViewport and name it MaskViewport
- Set Size to what you have in your project settings (like 1280 x 720) – will be overwritten by script later
- Optional: If you want a “see through” effect, in Cull Mask only enable Layer 16
- Add a Child Element to MaskViewport from Type Camera3D and name it MaskCamera
- In Environment create a
New Environment
- For Background > Mode in Environment set it to
Custom Color
(and keep standard values)
- In Environment create a
- On Stencil attach a new Script (see Shader code)
- For Target Camera choose your main camera
- For Mask Camera choose MaskCamera
- For Mask Viewport choose MaskViewport
Create Stencil Content
- Create a TextureRect and name it StencilContent
- In Layout > Anchors Preset choose
Full Rect
- In Texture add the texture you want to show (like a Noise-Texture or a Viewport Texture)
- In Material create New
- In Resource > Local to Scene set to
- Create
New Shader
using stencil.gdshader (see Shader code)- Target Color – The color which is used for Stencil (e.g.
) - Tolerance – To play a litte for the tolerance of color for stencil (try as low as possible)
- Invert Mask – To invert, that not the object self is masked out, but everything else
- Stencil Tex – Stencil texture to use – choose
- Target Color – The color which is used for Stencil (e.g.
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform sampler2D stencil_tex;
uniform vec4 target_color : source_color = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
uniform float tolerance : hint_range(0.0, 1.0);
uniform bool invert_mask = false;
void fragment() {
vec4 tex_color = texture(stencil_tex, UV);
float diff = distance(tex_color.rgb, target_color.rgb);
if (diff <= tolerance) {
COLOR.a = invert_mask ? 0.0 : 1.0;
} else {
COLOR.a = invert_mask ? 1.0 : 0.0;
extends Node3D
@export var target_camera: Camera3D = null
@export var mask_camera : Camera3D = null
@export var mask_viewport : SubViewport
var shader_material: ShaderMaterial = null
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
if Engine.is_editor_hint():
var editor_viewport = EditorInterface.get_editor_viewport_3d(0)
var editor_camera = editor_viewport.get_camera_3d();
mask_camera.global_transform = editor_camera.global_transform
mask_camera.fov = editor_camera.fov
mask_viewport.size = editor_viewport.size
elif target_camera != null:
mask_camera.global_transform = target_camera.global_transform
mask_camera.fov = target_camera.fov
mask_viewport.size = get_viewport().size