Stochastic Procedural Texture Shader
This is ported the “stochastic procedural texture shader”.
some preparation is required for use. Please refer to the on the bitbucket page.
Shader code
確率論的プロシージャルテクスチャ シェーダー for Godot Engine / Ported by あるる(きのもと 結衣) @arlez80
Stochastic Procedural Texture Shader for Godot Engine / Ported by Yui Kinomoto @arlez80
MIT License
High-Performance By-Example Noise using a Histogram-Preserving Blending Operator
Procedural Stochastic Textures by Tiling and Blending
shader_type spatial;
uniform vec2 uv_scale = vec2( 1.0, 1.0 );
uniform sampler2D t_input : hint_white;
uniform sampler2D inv_t : hint_white;
uniform vec3 color_space_vector1;
uniform vec3 color_space_vector2;
uniform vec3 color_space_vector3;
uniform vec3 color_space_origin;
vec3 return_to_original_color_space( vec3 c )
return pow(
+ color_space_vector1 * c.r
+ color_space_vector2 * c.g
+ color_space_vector3 * c.b
, vec3( 2.2 ) );
void triangle_grid( vec2 uv, out float w1, out float w2, out float w3, out ivec2 vertex1, out ivec2 vertex2, out ivec2 vertex3 )
uv *= 3.464; // 2 * sqrt(3)
vec2 skewed_coord = mat2( vec2( 1.0, 0.0 ), vec2( -0.57735027, 1.15470054 ) ) * uv;
ivec2 base_id = ivec2( floor( skewed_coord ) );
vec3 temp = vec3( fract( skewed_coord ), 0.0 );
temp.z = 1.0 - temp.x - temp.y;
if( 0.0 < temp.z ) {
w1 = temp.z;
w2 = temp.y;
w3 = temp.x;
vertex1 = base_id;
vertex2 = base_id + ivec2( 0, 1 );
vertex3 = base_id + ivec2( 1, 0 );
}else {
w1 = -temp.z;
w2 = 1.0 - temp.y;
w3 = 1.0 - temp.x;
vertex1 = base_id + ivec2( 1, 1 );
vertex2 = base_id + ivec2( 1, 0 );
vertex3 = base_id + ivec2( 0, 1 );
vec2 hash( vec2 p )
return fract( sin( p * mat2( vec2( 127.1, 311.7 ), vec2( 269.5, 183.3 ) ) ) * 43758.5453 );
vec3 by_example_procedural_noise( vec2 uv )
float w1, w2, w3;
ivec2 vertex1, vertex2, vertex3;
triangle_grid( uv, w1, w2, w3, vertex1, vertex2, vertex3 );
vec2 uv1 = uv + hash( vec2( vertex1 ) );
vec2 uv2 = uv + hash( vec2( vertex2 ) );
vec2 uv3 = uv + hash( vec2( vertex3 ) );
vec2 duvdx = dFdx( uv );
vec2 duvdy = dFdy( uv );
vec3 g1 = textureGrad( t_input, uv1, duvdx, duvdy ).rgb;
vec3 g2 = textureGrad( t_input, uv2, duvdx, duvdy ).rgb;
vec3 g3 = textureGrad( t_input, uv3, duvdx, duvdy ).rgb;
vec3 g = w1*g1 + w2*g2 + w3*g3 - vec3( 0.5 );
g = g * inversesqrt( w1*w1 + w2*w2 + w3*w3 );
g = g + vec3( 0.5 );
//float lod = textureQueryLod( t_input, uv ).y / float( textureSize( inv_t, 0 ).y );
return return_to_original_color_space( vec3(
texture( inv_t, vec2( g.r, 0.0 ) ).r
, texture( inv_t, vec2( g.g, 0.0 ) ).g
, texture( inv_t, vec2( g.b, 0.0 ) ).b
) );
void fragment( )
ALBEDO = by_example_procedural_noise( UV * uv_scale );
For some reason, this makes the material glow.