Ultimate Gameboy (Color) Shader

Description/ Background:

This shader is an amalgamation of three already made shaders that I put together because they serve a similiar purpose. Together, they make an all-purpose gameboy and gbc style shader for Godot.

The first of these shaders is the Gameboy Dot-Matrix Filter filter for godot by marcospivetta. It does most of the job, but I found trouble with the very limited way to pick colors. I wanted the ability to recreate four color gameboy games being played on the GBC, which is why I added in the Extensible Color Pallette Shader by Literally Anyone. This addition allowed me to individually pick the four colors applied to a four color greyscale sprite. Finaly, as an extra touch, I implemented the Gambatte glsl Color Correction shader by RiskyJumps. This allows you to have somewhat accurate color output to the GBC, making the colors generally softer and less saturated.


Just add the shader to the parent of a scene and have all the other sprites get their material from parent. Adjust the “dot size” to the appropriate size so the pixels will line up with the grid appropriately.

The LCD Back image can be found here.

Problems/ Future Additions:

  • Brightness and Pixel shadow ammount work, but in the process of trying to break down the original shader, they became inverted. Still both fully functional, but I’m not sure how to easily fix this.
  • The “border” in order to get the shadows to show up has to be a value at about -600 in order for it to cover the whole screen.
  • The “glare” value is almost unusable because it is very sensitive and applies itself to every object indivudually instead of the whole screen so sprites will have much more glare eariler on.
  • While you can currently pick all 4 colors individually right now, I think internally we are going to adjust it to get the colors from a custom “color pallete” resource so we can swap them out easily and save them for future use.
  • I also want to find a way this can be used to create a “super gameboy” effect where the background is one four color pallete and all the sprites are another 3 color pallete. It may be possible to do this with the current shader, but I don’t know for sure how that would be done.
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
render_mode blend_mix;
uniform sampler2D SCREEN_TEXTURE : hint_screen_texture, filter_linear_mipmap;

uniform float dot_size = 4.0;

uniform vec4 color0: source_color;
uniform vec4 color1: source_color;
uniform vec4 color2: source_color;
uniform vec4 color3: source_color;
uniform bool color_swap = true;
uniform bool color_correction = true;

uniform bool use_image_for_lcd = true;
uniform sampler2D lcd_back: source_color;

uniform float border_size = -600;
uniform bool enable_dot_matrix = true;

uniform float glare_amount = 0.002;
uniform float brightness : hint_range(0, 1) = 0.0;
uniform float pixel_shadow_amount : hint_range(0, 1) = 0.244;

uniform float lcd_dark_square_transparency : hint_range(0, 1) = 0.03;

void fragment() {
	// 1: Define the color list
	vec4 colors[] = {color0,color1,color2,color3};
	vec4 lcd_back_tex;
		lcd_back_tex = texture(lcd_back, SCREEN_UV) * color3;
		colors[0] = texture(lcd_back, SCREEN_UV) * color0;
		colors[1] = texture(lcd_back, SCREEN_UV) * color1;
		colors[2] = texture(lcd_back, SCREEN_UV) * color2;
		colors[3] = lcd_back_tex;


// 2: Grab the junk off of the screen
	vec3 scrn_uv = vec3(UV, 0.0);
	vec3 color_input;
	float alpa_input;
		vec4 _tex_read = textureLod(TEXTURE, scrn_uv.xy, 0.0);
		color_input = _tex_read.rgb;
		alpa_input = _tex_read.a;

// 3: Turn that junk into the superior "Grey"

	float grey_value;
		vec3 c = color_input;
		float max1 = max(c.r, c.g);
		float max2 = max(max1, c.b);
		grey_value = max2;

// 4: Multiply the superior "Grey" into the ultimate "Multiplied Grey"

	float multiplier = float(colors.length()-1);
	float multiplied_grey = grey_value * multiplier;

// 5: Round the ultimate "Multiplied Grey" to integer-like values; Achieve god-like "Rounded Multiplied Grey"

	float round_mult_grey = round(multiplied_grey);

// 6: Use the power of your new god to pick your output colors based on their color index.

	vec4 out_color = colors[int(round_mult_grey)];

// 7: Meet your new friends: the output colors.

	COLOR = out_color;
	COLOR.a = alpa_input;

// 8: Profit.
	vec4 previous_pass = texture(TEXTURE, UV);
	vec3 glare = vec3((FRAGCOORD.x / (1.0 / TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE.x)) / 2.0 + (FRAGCOORD.y / (1.0 / TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE.y)) / 2.0);

	int modulusX = int(mod(FRAGCOORD.x - (1.0 / TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE.x), dot_size));
	int modulusY = int(mod(FRAGCOORD.y - (1.0 / TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE.x), dot_size));
		if(	FRAGCOORD.x < (1.0/TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE.x) - border_size
			&& FRAGCOORD.x > border_size
			&& FRAGCOORD.y > border_size
			&& FRAGCOORD.y < (1.0/TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE.y) - border_size){
			if((modulusX != 0 && modulusY != 0)){
				COLOR.xyz = mix(COLOR.xyz, vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0), lcd_dark_square_transparency);

	float pixel_whiteness = previous_pass.x;
	vec4 colored_frame = vec4(COLOR.r, COLOR.b, COLOR.g, 1.0 - brightness * (1.0 - previous_pass.x) * 0.5 * previous_pass.a);
	if(abs(pixel_whiteness - 248.0/255.0) < 0.01 || COLOR.a == 0.0){

			if((modulusX != 0 && modulusY != 0)){
				COLOR = mix(color3, COLOR, colored_frame.a);
				if(colored_frame.a > 0.0){
					COLOR = mix(color3, COLOR, 1.0 - pixel_shadow_amount * 1.0 * (1.0 - pixel_whiteness * 0.2));
			COLOR = mix(colored_frame, COLOR, colored_frame.a);
	COLOR.rgb *= 255.0;
	int r = int(COLOR.r);
	int g = int(COLOR.g);
	int b = int(COLOR.b);
	int R = (r * 13 + g * 2 + b) >> 4;
	int G = (g *  3 + b) >> 2;
	int B = (r *  3 + g * 2 + b * 11) >> 4;
	COLOR.rgb = vec3(float(R), float(G), float(B));
	COLOR.rgb /= 255.0;
	COLOR.xyz += glare * glare_amount;
dotmatrix, gameboy, gameboycolor, gbc
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under CC0 license and can be used freely without the author's permission. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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