Wind line

Works in Godot 4. Converted it from my Godot 3.5 project, not really sure if this shader will work with Godot 3.5.

How To use it?

1. Make a 3d model like the one on the gif or something.

2. Create a particles node and add the mesh to draw passes.

3. Under surface 0 create a new ShaderMaterial.

4. Under the shader option create a shader and add the code.


Shader code
shader_type spatial;
render_mode cull_disabled, specular_schlick_ggx, unshaded;

void vertex() {
// Output:0


void fragment() {
// Input:5
	vec3 n_out5p0 = vec3(UV, 0.0);

// Input:2
	float n_out2p0 = TIME;

// Scalar:30
	float n_out30p0 = 1.200000;

// ScalarOp:31
	float n_out31p0 = n_out2p0 / n_out30p0;

// ScalarFunc:14
	float n_out14p0 = tan(n_out31p0);

// ScalarOp:13
	float n_in13p1 = 0.10000;
	float n_out13p0 = n_out14p0 / n_in13p1;

// VectorCompose:7
	float n_in7p0 = 0.00000;
	float n_in7p2 = 0.00000;
	vec3 n_out7p0 = vec3(n_in7p0, n_out13p0, n_in7p2);

// DotProduct:10
	float n_out10p0 = dot(n_out5p0, n_out7p0);

// ScalarFunc:12
	float n_out12p0 = -(n_out10p0);

// ScalarFunc:15
	float n_out15p0 = min(max(n_out12p0, 0.0), 1.0);

// ScalarFunc:17
	float n_out17p0 = 1.0 - n_out15p0;

// ScalarFunc:20
	float n_out20p0 = fract(n_out17p0);

// ScalarFunc:18
	float n_out18p0 = atan(n_out20p0);

// Scalar:22
	float n_out22p0 = 0.350000;

// ScalarOp:21
	float n_out21p0 = n_out18p0 * n_out22p0;

// ScalarFunc:28
	float n_out28p0 = -(n_out10p0);

// Input:34
	float n_out34p0 = TIME;

// Scalar:33
	float n_out33p0 = 200.000000;

// ScalarOp:32
	float n_out32p0 = n_out34p0 / n_out33p0;

// ScalarOp:35
	float n_out35p0 = n_out28p0 * n_out32p0;

// ScalarFunc:23
	float n_out23p0 = roundEven(n_out35p0);

// ScalarFunc:25
	float n_out25p0 = min(max(n_out23p0, 0.0), 1.0);

// ScalarFunc:26
	float n_out26p0 = tan(n_out25p0);

// ScalarOp:24
	float n_out24p0 = n_out21p0 * n_out26p0;

// Input:11
	vec3 n_out11p0 = COLOR.rgb;

// Output:0
	ALPHA = n_out24p0;
	EMISSION = n_out11p0;


void light() {
// Output:0

wind, wind effect, wind line, wind lines
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under MIT license and can be used freely. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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1 month ago
shader_type spatial;
render_mode blend_mix, cull_disabled, unshaded;

void fragment() {
    float edge_fade = 1.0 - length(UV * 2.0 - 1.0);
    float wave = sin(TIME * 2.0 + UV.x * 3.0) * 0.5 + 0.5;
    float alpha = edge_fade * wave;
    alpha = smoothstep(0.0, 0.8, alpha);
    float flicker = sin(TIME * 5.0 + UV.y * 10.0) * 0.1 + 0.9;
    ALPHA = alpha * flicker * 0.7;
    vec3 base_color = COLOR.rgb;
    EMISSION = base_color * (wave * 0.5 + 0.5);

created another version of this, maybe could be helpful for someone