white balance shader
the shader make the white balance effect that look samiler to the unity effect
where the effect is wraping between 2 gradient colors (warm, cool)
warm is 1
cool is -1
you can add the shader to ColorRect node and it will work fine for any thing under it
I just edit the GDQuest Gradient Map Shader video so i can use it in any scene
without adding it for every single sprite and in the same time it wrabs between 2 colors
you need to add the gradient colors by your self and put it in the shader param
(you can learn how to make the colors from this video )
then change the mix_amount value to 1 for warm or -1 for cool
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform sampler2D warm_color: hint_black;
uniform sampler2D cool_color: hint_black;
uniform float temperature = 0;
void fragment(){
vec4 input_color = textureLod(SCREEN_TEXTURE, SCREEN_UV, 0.0);
float grayscale_value = dot(input_color.rgb, vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114));
vec3 sampled_color;
if (temperature > 0.0){
sampled_color = texture(warm_color, vec2(grayscale_value, 0.0)).rgb;
COLOR.rgb = mix(input_color.rgb, sampled_color, temperature);
sampled_color = texture(cool_color, vec2(grayscale_value, 0.0)).rgb;
COLOR.rgb = mix(input_color.rgb, sampled_color, temperature * -1.0);
COLOR.a = input_color.a;
blue green and red should not be visible?
it’s change the color by the value you put in the temperature
so you can make the scene look warm or cool