2d crosshatching for textures with normal maps

I went down a rabbit hole first learning shaders, so I thought I would share my first attempt at one. Wanted to use this one for a project but it doesn’t really achieve the look I was shooting for, not mention that it doesn’t work for more than 1 light and requires a normal map (which means you should be using CanvasTexture on the sprite2d node). I’m really posting this in hopes that someone might be able to make a more robust version that actually looks good. Also make sure to have a CanvasModulate Node in the scene. The hatch_texture has the most thick hatching on the red channel, the next on the green channel and the lightest hatching on the blue channel.

Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;

uniform sampler2D hatch_texture;
uniform float hatch_scale = 1.0;

void light() {
	vec2 uv = UV * hatch_scale;
	uv = mod(uv, 1.0f);
	float result;
	float brightness = max(dot(NORMAL, LIGHT_DIRECTION), 0.0f);
	if (brightness > 0.50f) {
		brightness = 1.0f;
		result = 1.0f;
	} else if (brightness > 0.4f) {
		brightness = 0.66f;
		result = (1.0f - texture(hatch_texture, uv).b);
	} else if (brightness > 0.0f) {
		result = (1.0f - texture(hatch_texture, uv).g);
	} else {
		brightness = 0.0f;
		result = (1.0f - texture(hatch_texture, uv).r);
		LIGHT = result * texture(TEXTURE, UV);
2d, Crosshatching
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