2D tilemap tile blending (texture splatting)
I’ve decided to drop the shader here. It’s kinda raw, and I don’t know if it’s optimal (it’s my first shader ever), but it’s simple and it works. Maybe someone with bigger brain than mine could improve it 🙂
Works best with seamless textures and atlases, additional textures better be the size of the original one, but probably textures with the size of a tile from the original atlas will work.
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform float blending_strength = 0.5;
uniform float blending_length = 0.3;
uniform bool use_top_texture;
uniform bool use_bottom_texture;
uniform bool use_left_texture;
uniform bool use_right_texture;
uniform bool use_top_left_texture;
uniform bool use_top_right_texture;
uniform bool use_bottom_left_texture;
uniform bool use_bottom_right_texture;
uniform sampler2D top_texture;
uniform sampler2D bottom_texture;
uniform sampler2D left_texture;
uniform sampler2D right_texture;
uniform sampler2D top_left_texture;
uniform sampler2D top_right_texture;
uniform sampler2D bottom_left_texture;
uniform sampler2D bottom_right_texture;
uniform vec2 tile_size;
uniform vec2 atlas_size;
vec2 getPixelPosInTile(vec2 uv) {
float exactPosX = floor(uv.x * atlas_size.x * tile_size.x);
float exactPosY = floor(uv.y * atlas_size.y * tile_size.y);
float relativePosX = mod(exactPosX, tile_size.x);
float relativePosY = mod(exactPosY, tile_size.y);
return vec2(relativePosX, relativePosY);
void fragment() {
vec4 original_color = texture(TEXTURE, UV);
vec2 pixel_pos = getPixelPosInTile(UV);
vec2 normalized_pixel_pos = pixel_pos / tile_size;
vec4 blended_color = vec4(0.0);
float total_weight = 0.0;
// Calculate factors and accumulate blended color and total weight
if (use_top_left_texture) {
vec4 top_left_color = texture(top_left_texture, normalized_pixel_pos);
float factor = smoothstep(0.0, blending_length, length(vec2(pixel_pos.x, pixel_pos.y) / tile_size));
blended_color += top_left_color * (1.0 - factor);
total_weight += (1.0 - factor);
if (use_top_texture) {
vec4 top_color = texture(top_texture, normalized_pixel_pos);
float factor = smoothstep(0.0, blending_length, pixel_pos.y / tile_size.y);
blended_color += top_color * (1.0 - factor);
total_weight += (1.0 - factor);
if (use_top_right_texture) {
vec4 top_right_color = texture(top_right_texture, normalized_pixel_pos);
float factor = smoothstep(0.0, blending_length, length(vec2(tile_size.x - pixel_pos.x, pixel_pos.y) / tile_size));
blended_color += top_right_color * (1.0 - factor);
total_weight += (1.0 - factor);
if (use_right_texture) {
vec4 right_color = texture(right_texture, normalized_pixel_pos);
float factor = smoothstep(0.0, blending_length, (tile_size.x - pixel_pos.x) / tile_size.x);
blended_color += right_color * (1.0 - factor);
total_weight += (1.0 - factor);
if (use_bottom_right_texture) {
vec4 bottom_right_color = texture(bottom_right_texture, normalized_pixel_pos);
float factor = smoothstep(0.0, blending_length, length(vec2(tile_size.x - pixel_pos.x, tile_size.y - pixel_pos.y) / tile_size));
blended_color += bottom_right_color * (1.0 - factor);
total_weight += (1.0 - factor);
if (use_bottom_texture) {
vec4 bottom_color = texture(bottom_texture, normalized_pixel_pos);
float factor = smoothstep(0.0, blending_length, (tile_size.y - pixel_pos.y) / tile_size.y);
blended_color += bottom_color * (1.0 - factor);
total_weight += (1.0 - factor);
if (use_bottom_left_texture) {
vec4 bottom_left_color = texture(bottom_left_texture, normalized_pixel_pos);
float factor = smoothstep(0.0, blending_length, length(vec2(pixel_pos.x, tile_size.y - pixel_pos.y) / tile_size));
blended_color += bottom_left_color * (1.0 - factor);
total_weight += (1.0 - factor);
if (use_left_texture) {
vec4 left_color = texture(left_texture, normalized_pixel_pos);
float factor = smoothstep(0.0, blending_length, pixel_pos.x / tile_size.x);
blended_color += left_color * (1.0 - factor);
total_weight += (1.0 - factor);
// Normalize the blended color by the total weight, with clamping to avoid excessive blending
if (total_weight > 0.0) {
blended_color /= total_weight;
total_weight = min(total_weight, 1.0); // Clamp total weight to a maximum of 1.0
// Mix the original color with the blended color only where there is significant weight
COLOR = mix(original_color, blended_color, blending_strength * total_weight);
Here is the link to another implementation (kudos to the author), but my bird brain could not comprehend the complex implementation, so I had to come up with simple solution not requiring megatextures as in my case I have countless tile combinations
Hi, this is a great shader to learn from, as I am a beginner and trying to achieve similar effects. Thanks for posting it. However, I am having an issue and I hope maybe you can offer an explanation.
I made a simple tileset and loaded it in a TileMapLayer, and applied this shader. Here is the result: https://imgur.com/a/kvmG7W2
As you can see, it is blurring the edges of each tile as if the neighbors were empty. It isn’t taking the neighboring tiles into account at all. I realized in poking around that this is probably because in my implementation, top_texture, bottom_texture, etc. are never being defined. How do those get defined? In the Godot Inspector, I see all of those are <empty> but I don’t know what to put there. In the code itself, I don’t see any point where it is checking the identity of the neighboring tiles. Line 42 is the first example.
Thank you so much if you can help.