3D – Sun
This shader creates a sun with custom color. Here are some tips for the usage of the shader.
- the texture “voronoi_noise” should use a nice noise texture. OpenSimplexNoise doesn’t look that good.
- the texture “emission_noise” can be an OpenSimplexNoise
- play arround with the Glow_Power and Lightness_Difference
- play arround with the fresnel value
Shader code
shader_type spatial;
render_mode specular_schlick_ggx;
uniform float Glow_Power : hint_range(0,10) = 3;
uniform float Lightness_Difference : hint_range(0,10) = 3;
uniform vec4 Sun_Color : hint_color;
uniform sampler2D voronoi_noise;
uniform sampler2D emission_noise;
varying vec3 vertex_pos;
uniform float waveSpeed : hint_range(0,1) = 0.1;
uniform float fresnel : hint_range(0,2) = 1.0;
uniform float scale : hint_range(0,2) = 0.01;
uniform float blendSharpness : hint_range(0,2) = 0.0;
vec4 triplanar_texture(vec3 position, vec3 normal, vec2 offset, sampler2D noise) {
vec4 colX = texture(noise, position.xy * scale + offset);
vec4 colY = texture(noise, position.xz * scale + offset);
vec4 colZ = texture(noise, position.zy * scale + offset);
vec3 blendWeight = abs(normal);
blendWeight = vec3(pow(blendWeight.x, blendSharpness), pow(blendWeight.y, blendSharpness), pow(blendWeight.z, blendSharpness));
blendWeight /= (blendWeight.x + blendWeight.y + blendWeight.z);
return colX * blendWeight.x + colY * blendWeight.y + colZ * blendWeight.z;
void vertex() {
vertex_pos = VERTEX;
void fragment() {
// Fresnel
float fresnel_out = pow(fresnel - clamp(dot(NORMAL, VIEW), 0.0, fresnel), fresnel);
vec2 waveOffsetA = vec2(TIME * waveSpeed, TIME * waveSpeed * 0.8);
vec2 waveOffsetB = vec2(TIME * waveSpeed * - 0.8, TIME * waveSpeed * -0.3);
vec2 result_offset = waveOffsetA + waveOffsetB;
vec3 cloud_tex = triplanar_texture(vertex_pos, NORMAL, result_offset, voronoi_noise).rgb;
vec3 cloud_tex_with_light = cloud_tex * vec3(Lightness_Difference);
vec3 cloud_tex_with_light_with_color = cloud_tex_with_light * Sun_Color.rgb;
vec3 cloud_tex_with_light_with_color_with_glow = vec3(Glow_Power) * cloud_tex_with_light_with_color;
vec3 noise_tex = triplanar_texture(vertex_pos, NORMAL, result_offset, emission_noise).rgb;
vec3 result = cloud_tex_with_light_with_color_with_glow * noise_tex;
EMISSION = vec3(fresnel_out) * result;
Well done!
Very nice shader sir!