Black Hole
An Outer Wilds-inspired black hole shader.
Attach this shader to a spherical mesh with flip faces enabled. The scale of the effect/center is controled with the scale uniform which can, optionally, be automatically connected to the object’s scale using a script.
Video by Quontyn Tech Art that helped a lot with some of the math:
Shader code
shader_type spatial;
render_mode unshaded;
uniform sampler2D screen_tex : hint_screen_texture;
uniform sampler2D depth_tex : hint_depth_texture;
uniform float scale;
bool hit_sphere(vec3 ray_origin, vec3 ray_dir, vec3 sphere_origin, float radius) {
vec3 oc = ray_origin - sphere_origin;
float a = dot(ray_dir, ray_dir);
float b = 2.0 * dot(ray_dir, oc);
float c = dot(oc, oc) - (radius * radius);
float disc = (b * b) - 4.0 * a * c;
return disc > 0.0;
vec3 get_world_position_from_uv(vec2 uv, float depth, mat4 inv_proj_m, mat4 inv_view_m) {
vec4 ndc = vec4((uv * 2.0) - 1.0, depth, 1.0);
vec4 view_p = inv_proj_m * ndc; /= view_p.w;
view_p = (inv_view_m * vec4(, 1.0));
vec2 get_uv_from_world_position(vec3 position_w, mat4 proj_m, mat4 view_m) {
vec3 position_v = (view_m * vec4(position_w, 1.0)).xyz;
vec4 position_cs = proj_m * vec4(, 1.0);
vec2 ndc = position_cs.xy / position_cs.w;
return ndc.xy * 0.5 + 0.5;
float fresnel(float amount, vec3 normal, vec3 view) {
return pow((1.0 - clamp(dot(normalize(normal), normalize(view)), 0.0, 1.0 )), amount);
void fragment() {
float depth = texture(depth_tex, SCREEN_UV).x;
vec3 frag_p = get_world_position_from_uv(SCREEN_UV, depth, INV_PROJECTION_MATRIX, INV_VIEW_MATRIX);
vec3 ray_dir = normalize(frag_p - CAMERA_POSITION_WORLD);
bool hit = hit_sphere(CAMERA_POSITION_WORLD, ray_dir, NODE_POSITION_WORLD, scale * .3);
vec4 screen_color = texture(screen_tex, SCREEN_UV);
vec3 color;
if (hit) {
color = vec3(0.0);
else {
vec2 bh_p = get_uv_from_world_position(NODE_POSITION_WORLD, PROJECTION_MATRIX, VIEW_MATRIX);
vec2 dis_dir = normalize(bh_p - SCREEN_UV) * 0.5;
float f = 1.0 - fresnel(0.5, NORMAL, VIEW);
float fov = atan(-1.0 / PROJECTION_MATRIX[1][1] * 2.0);
float s = (2.0 * dist * tan(fov * 0.5)) / scale;
vec2 uv = SCREEN_UV + (dis_dir * (f / s));
screen_color = texture(screen_tex, uv);
color = vec3(screen_color.r, screen_color.g, screen_color.b);
ALBEDO = color;