Circle Pixel
from world of zero youtube:
and make pixelate align center.
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform float amount_x: hint_range(0, 128) = 8;
uniform float amount_y: hint_range(0, 128) = 8;
void fragment() {
vec2 pos = UV;
pos *= vec2(amount_x, amount_y);
pos = ceil(pos);
pos /= vec2(amount_x, amount_y);
vec2 cellpos = pos - (0.5 / vec2(amount_x, amount_y));
pos -= UV;
pos *= vec2(amount_x, amount_y);
pos = vec2(1.0) - pos;
float dist = distance(pos, vec2(0.5));
vec4 c = texture(TEXTURE, cellpos);
COLOR = c * step(0.0, (0.5* c.a) - dist);
If you want a uniform pixel size replace the second to last line with: