Cool 3D text

Renders text with A 3D style applied. You can specify a gradient for the front, back and side.

I recommend disabling clip_contents



  • Textures can be specified for each part (front, back, side, outline)
  • Outline (warning: may be expensive)
  • Color modulate support
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;

render_mode blend_premul_alpha;

uniform float angle = -0.2;
uniform float thickness : hint_range(0.0, 64.0) = 10.0;
uniform float scale = 1.0;
uniform vec2 shear = vec2(0.0, -0.4);
uniform int slices = 16;
uniform bool outline = true;
uniform float outline_width : hint_range(0.0, 5.0) = 2.0;

uniform sampler2D front_tex : hint_default_white, repeat_disable;
uniform sampler2D back_tex : hint_default_white, repeat_disable;
uniform sampler2D side_tex : hint_default_black, repeat_disable;
uniform sampler2D outline_tex : hint_default_black, repeat_disable;

group_uniforms debug;
uniform bool show_bound = false;

float box(vec2 p, vec2 d){
	p = abs(p) - d;
	return max(p.x, p.y);

varying vec2 vertex_base;
varying flat vec2 glyph_position;
varying vec2 padding;
varying vec4 my_modulate;
void vertex() {
	// Magic :)
	vertex_base = vec2(float(VERTEX_ID>>1), float(6>>VERTEX_ID&1));
	glyph_position = UV;

	// Extend bounds
	padding = (vertex_base*2.0-1.0) * abs(shear) * thickness * 0.5;
	padding += (vertex_base*2.0-1.0) * outline_width;
	VERTEX.xy += padding;

	// Give me access to MODULATE
	my_modulate = COLOR;

void transformRay(inout vec3 p, inout vec3 rd, float _angle, float _scale, vec2 _shear){
	// Apply scale
	p.xy /= _scale;

	// Apply shear
	p.xy += p.z * _shear;
	rd.xy += rd.z * _shear;

	// Apply rotation
	mat2 R = mat2(vec2(cos(_angle),sin(_angle)),vec2(-sin(_angle),cos(_angle)));
	p.xz *= R;
	rd.xz *= R;

// complex number math
vec2 cmul(vec2 a, vec2 b) { return vec2(a.x*b.x-a.y*b.y, a.x*b.y+a.y*b.x); }
float getOutline(sampler2D tex, vec2 p, vec2 offset_px, vec2 clip_center, vec2 clip_size){
	float opacity = 0.0;

	for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
		float samp = texture(tex, p + offset_px).a;
		samp *= float(box(p + offset_px - clip_center, clip_size) < 0.0); // Clipping

		opacity = max(opacity, samp);

		offset_px = cmul(vec2(1.0/sqrt(2.0)), offset_px);

	return opacity;

void fragment(){
	vec2 glyph_size = (UV - glyph_position)/vertex_base;
	vec2 glyph_center = glyph_position + glyph_size/2.0;

	vec3 p = vec3(UV + padding, 0); // A point in the font atlas, with padded bounds
	vec3 rd = vec3(0, 0, -1); // Ray points back to front

	// Inversly transform the ray
	p.xy -= glyph_center;
	transformRay(p, rd, angle, scale, shear);
	p.xy += glyph_center;

	// Intersect xy plane
	rd /= abs(rd.z);
	p -= rd * rd.z * p.z;

	// Thickness is measured in pixels. Hopefully the texture is predictable
	rd *= thickness * TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE.x;

	// Find back slice
	p -= rd * 0.5;

	// Prepare for ray march
	rd /= float(slices - 1);

	COLOR = vec4(0,0,0,0);

	// Add back outline
		float opacity = getOutline(TEXTURE, p.xy, sign(shear) * TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE * outline_width, glyph_center, glyph_size/2.0);
		vec4 col = vec4(texture(outline_tex, vertex_base).rgb * opacity, opacity);
		col *= my_modulate;
		COLOR = COLOR + col * (1.0 - COLOR.a); // premultiplied alpha under operator*/

	for(int i = 0; i<slices; i++){
		vec4 samp = texture(TEXTURE, p.xy);
		samp.a *= float(box(p.xy - glyph_center, glyph_size/2.0) < 0.0); // Clipping

		if(i < slices-1) {
			samp.rgb = texture(side_tex, vertex_base).rgb;
		else if(rd.z < 0.0) {
			samp.rgb = texture(front_tex, vertex_base).rgb;
		else {
			samp.rgb = texture(back_tex, vertex_base).rgb;

		samp *= my_modulate;
		samp.rgb *= samp.a; // premultiply alpha
		COLOR = samp + COLOR * (1.0 - samp.a); // premultiplied alpha over operator

		// March to the next slice
		p += rd;

	// Unmarch it back. Kinda lazy
	p -= rd;

	// Add front outline
		float opacity = getOutline(TEXTURE, p.xy, sign(shear) * TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE * outline_width, glyph_center, glyph_size/2.0);
		vec4 col = vec4(texture(outline_tex, vertex_base).rgb * opacity, opacity);
		col *= my_modulate;
		COLOR = COLOR + col * (1.0 - COLOR.a); // premultiplied alpha under operator*/

		COLOR.a = COLOR.a * 0.8 + 0.2;

		float b = box(vertex_base-0.5, vec2(0.5));
		COLOR.g += (1.0 - clamp(abs(b/fwidth(b) + 0.5), 0.0, 1.0));
fake 3d, text
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under MIT license and can be used freely. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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1 year ago

holy shit it is cool

10 months ago

It’s really good, but what is magic??? hahaha~