Crystal Shader
simple cristal shader – use the texture/color ramps attaches to achieve the preview version (all the gradients are the same as well as the nosie textures)
Shader code
shader_type spatial;
render_mode blend_mix, depth_draw_opaque, cull_back, diffuse_lambert, specular_schlick_ggx;
// Varyings
varying vec3 WorldPos;
uniform sampler2D colorGradient1;
uniform sampler2D colorGradient2;
uniform sampler2D NoiseTexture_Alpha : hint_normal;
uniform sampler2D NoiseTexture_Specular : hint_normal;
uniform sampler2D gradientSpecular;
void vertex() {
mat4 n_out2p0 = MODEL_MATRIX;
vec3 n_out3p0 = VERTEX;
vec3 n_out4p0 = (n_out2p0 * vec4(n_out3p0, 1.0)).xyz;
WorldPos = n_out4p0;
void fragment() {
float worldPosY = WorldPos.y;
float worldPosZ = WorldPos.z;
vec4 color1 = texture(colorGradient1, vec2(worldPosY));
vec4 color2 = texture(colorGradient2, vec2(worldPosZ));
vec3 mixVector = vec3(1.00000, 1.00000, 1.00000);
vec3 base_color = mix(vec3(, vec3(, mixVector);
// Alpha
float noiseAlpha = texture(NoiseTexture_Alpha, UV).r;
vec2 scaleUVFunc = vec2(1.00000, 1.00000);
vec2 offsetUVFunc = vec2(0.00000, 1.00000);
vec2 transparency = offsetUVFunc * scaleUVFunc + vec2(noiseAlpha);
// Specular
float noiseSpecular = texture(NoiseTexture_Specular, UV).r;
vec4 specular = texture(gradientSpecular, vec2(noiseSpecular));
// Output:0
ALBEDO = base_color;
ALPHA = transparency.x;
SPECULAR = specular.x;