Cyberpunk scanner
A pixelated 3D scanner effect, heavily inspired by Cyberpunk 2077. It uses a separate camera and additional visibility / render layers to create an overlay. There are 2 MeshInstance3D nodes in the scene, to show the difference between scannable and non-scannable objects.
The cryopod model was created for the game Intrepid and is in public domain.
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
// These params create the dynamic scanner effect
group_uniforms DynamicParams;
// Scanning progress influences the pixelization, transparency, and outline size
uniform float scanning_progress = 0.0;
// Visibility allows to hide the shader without changing the scanning progress
uniform float visibility : hint_range(0.0, 1.0, 0.01) = 1.0;
// These params are likely to be set only once.
group_uniforms FixedParams;
uniform vec4 color: source_color;
uniform float initial_outline_pixel_size = 32.0;
uniform float final_outline_pixel_size = 2.0;
uniform float initial_fill_transparency = 2.0;
uniform float final_fill_transparency = 0.15;
uniform float initial_pixelize_power = 9.0;
uniform float final_pixelize_power = 1.0;
// Returns the strength of the scanner's color
// * 1 for the outline
// * 0 - 1 for the filling (depends on fill transparency)
// * 0 for pixels outside of the scanned area
float get_scanner_alpha(sampler2D tex, vec2 pixel_size, vec2 uv) {
vec4 pixel = texture(tex, uv);
// If a pixel is transparent, it might be a part of the outline
if (pixel.a < 0.5) {
vec2 outline_size = pixel_size * mix(
initial_outline_pixel_size, final_outline_pixel_size, scanning_progress
for (float x = -outline_size.x; x <= outline_size.x; x += pixel_size.x) {
for (float y = -outline_size.y; y <= outline_size.y; y += pixel_size.y) {
vec4 surrounding_pixel = texture(tex, uv + vec2(x, y));
// If one of the surrounding pixels is visible: draw an outline (opaque color)
if (surrounding_pixel.a > 0.5) {
return 1.0;
// If none of the surrounding pixels is visible: draw transparency
return 0.0;
// If a pixel is visible: draw filling (partially transparent color)
float fill_transparency = mix(
initial_fill_transparency, final_fill_transparency, scanning_progress
return fill_transparency;
void fragment() {
// Scale the UV (using powers of 2) to obtain the effect of pixelization
vec2 pixelized_texture_size = vec2(textureSize(TEXTURE, 0)) / pow(
2.0, floor(mix(initial_pixelize_power, final_pixelize_power, scanning_progress))
vec2 pixelized_uv = (
floor(UV * pixelized_texture_size) + ceil(UV * pixelized_texture_size)
) * 0.5 / pixelized_texture_size;
COLOR = color;
COLOR.a *= visibility * scanning_progress * get_scanner_alpha(
This is game changing, thank you you beautiful beautiful soul