Diagonal Mask / Border / Edge
Allows you to modify a sprite’s edges to achieve effects ranging from from soft diagonal edges to a full blown diamond.
Modified from https://godotshaders.com/shader/hex-mask-border-outline-shader/
Shader code
// 2D Diagonal Borders Masking Shader
// Modified from https://godotshaders.com/shader/hex-mask-border-outline-shader/
shader_type canvas_item;
const float M = -1.0; // Angle of diagonal line
uniform float effect : hint_range( 0.0, 0.5 ) = 0.5; // how much
void fragment() {
// Pull in the texture
COLOR = texture( TEXTURE, UV );
// Need a copy for original alpha values
vec4 color = texture( TEXTURE, UV );
// Set everything to transparent
COLOR.a = color.a * 0.0;
// Map current point to first quadrant
float x0 = min(UV.x, 1.0 - UV.x);
float y0 = min(UV.y, 1.0 - UV.y);
// Compute diagonal line through UV.x,UV.y depending on the effect
float m = M;
float m0 = -1.0 / m;
float b0 = effect + (y0 - m0 * x0);
// Find x,y = intersection of edge through UV.x,UV.y
float x = ( 0.5 - b0 ) / ( m0 - m );
float y = m0 * x + b0;
// Are we inside the diagonal box?
if ( x0 >= x && y0 >= 0.0 ) {
float d = distance( vec2( x, y ), vec2( x0, y0 ) );
COLOR.a = color.a * 1.0;
Total shader noob here. How do I change it so it’s not diagonal. I’m trying to make a shader mask the top or bottom of a texture.
Thank you so much for sharing this. I used this as a basis for learning shader programming, and I rewrote it several times until I arrived at a much simpler version of it that I think is a bit easier to understand and modify.
I hope it can be useful for others to learn too: https://gitlab.com/-/snippets/2534852
You can animate the diamond by attaching the
property to an AnimationPlayer. Or do it in the shader itself 😉