Hex Mask/Border/Outline

A fragment shader that computes a flat-top hexagon mask. The mask can hide or display, using selectable alpha values, any or all of: the hexagon shape, an outline of the hexagon shape, the border area outside the hexagon shape.

There are four shader parameters:

  • Border Alpha: The border is the area “outside” the hexagon. This alpha value defaults to 0.0, making the border area invisible.
  • Tile Alpha: The tile is the hexagon area occupying the center of the texture. This alpha value defaults to 1.0, making the hex tile fully visible. (The TileAlpha is multiplied by the original alpha of the pixel, so all alpha information in the original texture is also preserved in the hex masking.)
  • Outline Size: The outline is the edges of the tile area, expressed in UV units. The outline size defaults to 0.0, producing no outline
  • Outline Alpha: The alpha value for the outline portion of the hex mask.
Shader code
// 2D Hexagon Masking Shader
shader_type canvas_item;

// Firt quadrant hexagon edge constants
const float X1 = 0.25;
const float Y1 = 0.06698729810778;
const float M  = -1.73205080756888;

// Border = Everything outside the hexagon
// Tile = Everything inside the hexagon
// Outline = Edges of the hexagon (size in UV units)
uniform float BorderAlpha : hint_range( 0.0, 1.0 ) = 0.0;
uniform float TileAlpha : hint_range( 0.0, 1.0 ) = 1.0;
uniform float OutlineSize : hint_range( 0.0, 0.5 ) = 0.0;
uniform float OutlineAlpha : hint_range( 0.0, 1.0 ) = 1.0;

void fragment() {
	// Pull in the texture
	COLOR = texture( TEXTURE, UV );
	// Need a copy for original alpha values
	vec4 color = texture( TEXTURE, UV );
	// Set everything to the BorderAlpha
	COLOR.a = color.a * BorderAlpha;
	// Map current point to first quadrant
	float x0 = min( UV.x, 1.0 - UV.x );
	float y0 = min( UV.y, 1.0 - UV.y );
	// Compute line through UV.x,UV.y orthogonal to hex edge
	float m = M;
	float m0 = -1.0 / m;
	float b0 = y0 - m0 * x0;
	// Find x,y = intersection of hex edge and orthognoal through UV.x,UV.y
	float x = ( 0.5 - b0 ) / ( m0 - m );
	float y = m0 * x + b0;
	// Are we inside the hex?
	if ( x0 >= x && y0 >= Y1 ) {
		float d = distance( vec2( x, y ), vec2( x0, y0 ) );
		// Are we inside the outline?
		if ( d < OutlineSize || y0 - Y1 < OutlineSize )
			COLOR.a = color.a * OutlineAlpha;
			COLOR.a = color.a * TileAlpha;
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under CC0 license and can be used freely without the author's permission. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

Related shaders

Diagonal Mask / Border / Edge

Hex Transition Shader

Hex Pixelization Shader

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