Five Nights at Freddy’s Style ‘Fisheye’
Har har har har har
I couldn’t find any online that could replicate this effect, so I made my own.
I tried applying the effect on both UV.y and the UV.x, but the result is kinda hideous.
Feel free to make suggestions!
EDIT: I just had to search for ‘FNaF’ on this exact website to find the effect I needed lmaoo oh well
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
//defines the coefficient
uniform float coeff : hint_range(0, .5);
void fragment(){
//gets the SCREEN_UV
vec2 suv = SCREEN_UV;
//side maps 0.0>1.0 into -1.0>1.0
//side as in "-1.0 is the left side, 1.0 is the right one"
float side = (SCREEN_UV.y * 2.0) - 1.0;
//mountain maps 0.0>1.0 into a 0.0>0.0, where the mid-value is 1.0.
float mountain = -abs((SCREEN_UV.x * 2.0) - 1.0) + 1.0;
//maps mountain into a sine-wave's first ramp
mountain = mountain * PI/2.0;
//newv says 'how much should the pixel be moved based in its position?'
//mountain defines the amount, coeff scales it and 'sin' smooths it out.
//the multiplication with PI/2.0 is mandatory for sin to work
float newv = coeff * sin(mountain);
//modifies the screen uv saved before
//(newv * side) applies the effect on both left and right.
//if 'side' wasn't here, the effect would be applied only one way.
//even more important is the subtraction with 'coeff*size'.
//this scales the shader up and down so that you don't end up with borders.
suv.y += ((newv * side) - (coeff*side));
//updates the texture
COLOR = texture(SCREEN_TEXTURE, suv);
for anyone wanting to make a realistic fps camera with this, i suggest you use sin(-mountain) since it gives a really nice effect
Is this somehow not compatible with newer versions? It makes the Sprite blank, even when
is added to correct the removal of SCREEN_TEXTURE from Godot 4. I’m a little new to shaders so debugging this is becoming a bit of a headache.