Glitch Effect Shader

This is a glitch effect shader.

Godot 4 version:

Shader code
	Glitch Effect Shader by Yui Kinomoto @arlez80

	MIT License

shader_type canvas_item;

// 振動の強さ
uniform float shake_power = 0.03;
// 振動率
uniform float shake_rate : hint_range( 0.0, 1.0 ) = 0.2;
// 振動速度
uniform float shake_speed = 5.0;
// 振動ブロックサイズ
uniform float shake_block_size = 30.5;
// 色の分離率
uniform float shake_color_rate : hint_range( 0.0, 1.0 ) = 0.01;

float random( float seed )
	return fract( 543.2543 * sin( dot( vec2( seed, seed ), vec2( 3525.46, -54.3415 ) ) ) );

void fragment( )
	float enable_shift = float(
		random( trunc( TIME * shake_speed ) )
	<	shake_rate

	vec2 fixed_uv = SCREEN_UV;
	fixed_uv.x += (
			( trunc( SCREEN_UV.y * shake_block_size ) / shake_block_size )
		+	TIME
		) - 0.5
	) * shake_power * enable_shift;

	vec4 pixel_color = textureLod( SCREEN_TEXTURE, fixed_uv, 0.0 );
	pixel_color.r = mix(
	,	textureLod( SCREEN_TEXTURE, fixed_uv + vec2( shake_color_rate, 0.0 ), 0.0 ).r
	,	enable_shift
	pixel_color.b = mix(
	,	textureLod( SCREEN_TEXTURE, fixed_uv + vec2( -shake_color_rate, 0.0 ), 0.0 ).b
	,	enable_shift
	COLOR = pixel_color;
glitch, Post Effect
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under MIT license and can be used freely. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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1 year ago

Works good, thank you!

3 months ago

Didn’t appear to work for Godot 4 at first, i replaced SCREEN_TEXTURE with just TEXTURE, and SCREEN_UV with just UV. Now it’s as advertised~