hatch shader for dark scenes
hatch shader calculated as fragment so hatch patetrn works also if albedo color of base texture is set to fully black
Adapted from https://godotshaders.com/shader/toon-hatching-shader/ which sets the hatch pattern in the light method
example hatch texture as screenshot 2
Shader code
shader_type spatial;
const mat2 ORIENTATION_STRAIGHT = mat2(vec2(1.0f, 0.0f), vec2(0.0f, 1.0f));
const mat2 ORIENTATION_CROSS = mat2(vec2(0.0f, 1.0f), vec2(1.0, 0.0f));
uniform vec4 albedo : source_color = vec4(0.0); // Default to black
uniform vec4 hatch_color : source_color = vec4(1.0); // Default to white
uniform int cuts : hint_range(1, 8) = 2;
uniform float wrap : hint_range(-2.0f, 2.0f) = 0.0f;
uniform float steepness : hint_range(1.0f, 8.0f) = 1.0;
uniform bool use_attenuation = true;
uniform bool use_rim = false;
uniform float rim_width : hint_range(0.0f, 16.0f) = 8.0f;
uniform vec4 rim_color : source_color = vec4(1.0f);
uniform float hatch_scale = 2.0f;
uniform bool use_triplanar = true;
uniform sampler2D hatch_texture : source_color;
varying vec3 vertex_pos;
varying vec3 normal;
vec4 triplanar_texture(sampler2D p_sampler,vec3 p_weights,vec3 p_triplanar_pos, mat2 orientation) {
p_weights = abs(p_weights);
p_weights /= p_weights.x+p_weights.y+p_weights.z;
vec4 samp=vec4(0.0);
samp+= texture(p_sampler,orientation*p_triplanar_pos.xy) * p_weights.z;
samp+= texture(p_sampler,orientation*p_triplanar_pos.xz) * p_weights.y;
samp+= texture(p_sampler,orientation*p_triplanar_pos.zy * vec2(-1.0,1.0)) * p_weights.x;
return samp;
float split_hatch(float diffuse, vec2 uv, vec3 weights, vec3 pos) {
float value = 1.0f;
float k = round((1.0f - diffuse) * float(cuts)) - 0.5;
for (float i = 0.0f; i < k; ++i) {
float offset = 2.0 * i / float(cuts);
if (i >= float(cuts) / 2.0) {
if (use_triplanar) {
value *= triplanar_texture(hatch_texture, weights, pos + vec3(offset), ORIENTATION_CROSS).r;
} else {
value *= texture(hatch_texture, uv.yx + vec2(offset)).r;
} else {
if (use_triplanar) {
value *= triplanar_texture(hatch_texture, weights, pos + vec3(offset), ORIENTATION_STRAIGHT).r;
} else {
value *= texture(hatch_texture, uv.xy + vec2(offset)).r;
return 1.0 - value; // Invert the value so that 1 means full hatch
void vertex() {
vertex_pos = VERTEX;
normal = NORMAL;
void fragment() {
// Calculate base hatch value
float base_hatch = split_hatch(0.5, hatch_scale * UV, normal, hatch_scale * vertex_pos);
// Mix albedo and hatch color
ALBEDO = mix(albedo.rgb, hatch_color.rgb, base_hatch);
void light() {
// Calculate lighting
float NdotL = dot(NORMAL, LIGHT);
float diffuse_amount = NdotL + wrap;
diffuse_amount *= steepness;
float cuts_inv = 1.0f / float(cuts);
float diffuse_stepped = clamp(diffuse_amount + mod(1.0f - diffuse_amount, cuts_inv), 0.0f, 1.0f);
// Recalculate hatch value based on lighting
float hatch_value = split_hatch(diffuse_stepped, hatch_scale * UV, normal, hatch_scale * vertex_pos);
// Apply attenuation if enabled
float attenuation = use_attenuation ? ATTENUATION : 1.0;
// Calculate final color
vec3 final_color = mix(ALBEDO, hatch_color.rgb, hatch_value);
// Apply lighting
DIFFUSE_LIGHT += final_color * LIGHT_COLOR * attenuation;
// Apply rim lighting if enabled
if (use_rim) {
float NdotV = dot(NORMAL, VIEW);
float rim_light = pow(1.0 - NdotV, rim_width);
DIFFUSE_LIGHT += rim_light * rim_color.rgb * rim_color.a * LIGHT_COLOR * attenuation;