math – rotate uv
Shader port from
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform float scale: hint_range(0.0,1.0) = 1.0;
uniform float time_scale: hint_range(0.0,2.0) = 1.0;
void fragment()
//set the uv to a proper size on the center of screen
vec2 uv = (FRAGCOORD.xy - 0.5 * (scale / SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE.xy)) / min(scale / SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE.x, scale / SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE.y);
// set rotation angle value
float rot = radians(0.0);
// this set rotation by time and
rot = TIME * time_scale;
// algebra formula for rotation by matrix ,
mat2 m = mat2( vec2( cos(rot), -sin(rot) ), vec2( sin(rot), cos(rot) ) );
// rotation of uv with matrix algebra formula where is set the rotation angle
uv = m* uv;
// define float by function module from 1.0 and uv.x - uv.y
float d = mod(uv.x - uv.y, 1.0);
// color for fragColor is value of fload d by module function
vec4 col = vec4(vec3(d), 1.0);
COLOR = vec4(col);