MToon Shader for Godot

This is a port of the Unity MToon shader to Godot Engine. MToon is also the toon shader used in in the VRM model format.

MToon supports, matcaps, rim lighting, emission maps, custom shade textures and custom shading grade.

I recommend downloading the full package so you get a nice inspector plugin:

Asset Library:


Note that the shader needs variants for outline and transparency: godot-vrm above will come with all the variant as well as a nice inspector script (enable in Project Settings -> Plugins -> Godot-MToon-Shader)

(to use with GLES2, the line with _NORMALMAP must be changed to `bool _NORMALMAP = true;` … note that MToon may malfunction on GLES2 if anything more than exactly one directional light is used)

Shader code
shader_type spatial;
render_mode skip_vertex_transform;
//render_mode specular_disabled,ambient_light_disabled;

const float isOutline = 0.0;

// // Comment `const float isOutline = 0.0;`
// render_mode cull_front;
// const float isOutline = 1.0;
// // Uncomment `ALPHA = alpha;` and comment `if (alpha < _Cutoff) { discard; }` at end of fragment()

// // Uncomment `ALPHA = alpha;` and comment `if (alpha < _Cutoff) { discard; }` at end of fragment()

//render_mode depth_draw_always;
// // Uncomment `ALPHA = alpha;` and comment `if (alpha < _Cutoff) { discard; }` at end of fragment()

// render_mode cull_disabled;

// render_mode cull_disabled;
// // Uncomment `ALPHA = alpha;` and comment `if (alpha < _Cutoff) { discard; }` at end of fragment()

// render_mode cull_disabled,depth_draw_always;
// // Uncomment `ALPHA = alpha;` and comment `if (alpha < _Cutoff) { discard; }` at end of fragment()


uniform float _EnableAlphaCutout : hint_range(0,1,1) = 0.0;
uniform float _Cutoff : hint_range(0,1) = 0.5;
uniform vec4 _Color /*: hint_color*/ = vec4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0); // "Lit Texture + Alpha"
uniform vec4 _ShadeColor /*: hint_color*/ = vec4(0.97, 0.81, 0.86, 1); // "Shade Color"
uniform sampler2D _MainTex : hint_albedo;
uniform vec4 _MainTex_ST = vec4(1.0,1.0,0.0,0.0);
uniform sampler2D _ShadeTexture : hint_albedo;
uniform float _BumpScale : hint_range(-16,16) = 1.0; // "Normal Scale"
uniform sampler2D _BumpMap : hint_normal; // "Normal Texture"
uniform sampler2D _ReceiveShadowTexture : hint_white;
uniform float _ReceiveShadowRate = 1.0; // "Receive Shadow"
uniform sampler2D _ShadingGradeTexture : hint_white;
uniform float _ShadingGradeRate = 1.0; // "Shading Grade"
uniform float _ShadeShift : hint_range(-1.0, 1.0) = 0.0;
uniform float _ShadeToony : hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.9;
uniform float _LightColorAttenuation : hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.0;
uniform float _IndirectLightIntensity : hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.1;
uniform sampler2D _RimTexture : hint_albedo;
uniform vec4 _RimColor /*: hint_color*/ = vec4(0,0,0,1);
uniform float _RimLightingMix : hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.0;
uniform float _RimFresnelPower : hint_range(0.0, 100.0) = 1.0;
uniform float _RimLift : hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.0;
uniform sampler2D _SphereAdd : hint_black_albedo; // "Sphere Texture(Add)"
uniform vec4 _EmissionColor /*: hint_color*/ = vec4(0,0,0,1); // "Color"
uniform sampler2D _EmissionMap : hint_albedo;
// Not implemented:
uniform float _OutlineWidthMode : hint_range(0,2,1) = 1;
uniform sampler2D _OutlineWidthTexture : hint_white;
uniform float _OutlineWidth : hint_range(0.01, 1.0) = 0.5;
uniform float _OutlineScaledMaxDistance : hint_range(1,10) = 1;
uniform float _OutlineColorMode : hint_range(0,1,1) = 0;
uniform vec4 _OutlineColor /*: hint_color*/ = vec4(0,0,0,1);
uniform float _OutlineLightingMix : hint_range(0,1) = 0;
uniform sampler2D _UvAnimMaskTexture : hint_white;
uniform float _UvAnimScrollX = 0;
uniform float _UvAnimRotation = 0;
uniform float _UvAnimScrollY = 0;
uniform float _DebugMode : hint_range(0,3,1) = 0.0;

uniform float _MToonVersion = 33;

// const
const float PI_2 = 6.283185307180;
const float EPS_COL = 0.00001;

varying vec3 tspace0; // : TEXCOORD1;
varying vec3 tspace1; // : TEXCOORD2;
varying vec3 tspace2; // : TEXCOORD3;

void vertex() {

	if (isOutline == 1.0) {
		float outlineTex = textureLod(_OutlineWidthTexture, UV, 0).r;
		if (_OutlineWidthMode < 1.5) {
			vec3 worldNormalLength = vec3(1.0/length(mat3(transpose(WORLD_MATRIX)) * NORMAL));
			vec3 outlineOffset = 0.01 * _OutlineWidth * outlineTex * worldNormalLength * NORMAL;
			VERTEX += outlineOffset;
		} else { // #elif defined(MTOON_OUTLINE_WIDTH_SCREEN)
			// 1. Create the clip-space position
			// 2. Get the normal direction, normalized, in clip space.
			// 3. Get the aspect ratio of the currently rendering camera.
			// 4. Scale the normals by the distance to the camera
			// 5. Add the normals to the clip-space XY position scaled by the width.
			vec4 clipPos = PROJECTION_MATRIX * vec4(VERTEX, 1.0);
			vec4 nearUpperRight = (INV_PROJECTION_MATRIX * vec4(1, 1, 0, 1));
			float aspect = abs(nearUpperRight.y / nearUpperRight.x);
			vec3 viewNormal = mat3(INV_CAMERA_MATRIX) * mat3(WORLD_MATRIX) *;
			vec3 clipNormal = mat3(PROJECTION_MATRIX) *;
			vec2 projectedNormal = normalize(clipNormal.xy);
			projectedNormal *= min(clipPos.w, _OutlineScaledMaxDistance);
			projectedNormal.x *= aspect;
			clipPos.xy += 0.01 * _OutlineWidth * outlineTex * projectedNormal.xy * clamp(1.0 - abs(normalize(viewNormal).z), 0.0, 1.0); // ignore offset when normal toward camera
	} else {

	// posWorld = (MODELVIEW_MATRIX*vec4(, 1.0));
	vec3 worldNormal = mat3(MODELVIEW_MATRIX)*NORMAL;
	vec3 worldTangent = mat3(MODELVIEW_MATRIX)*TANGENT;
	vec3 worldBitangent = mat3(MODELVIEW_MATRIX)*BINORMAL;
	tspace0 = vec3(worldTangent.x, worldBitangent.x, worldNormal.x);
	tspace1 = vec3(worldTangent.y, worldBitangent.y, worldNormal.y);
	tspace2 = vec3(worldTangent.z, worldBitangent.z, worldNormal.z);

vec3 UnpackScaleNormal(vec4 normalmap, float scale) {
	normalmap.xy = scale * (normalmap.xy * 2.0 - 1.0);
	normalmap.z = sqrt(max(0.0, 1.0 - dot(normalmap.xy, normalmap.xy))); //always ignore Z, as it can be RG packed, Z may be pos/neg, etc.

vec3 calculateLighting(vec2 mainUv, float dotNL, float lightAttenuation, vec4 shade_arg, vec4 lit_arg, vec3 lightColor, out vec3 col, out float lightIntensity) {
	// Decide albedo color rate from Direct Light
	float shadingGrade = 1.0 - _ShadingGradeRate * (1.0 - texture(_ShadingGradeTexture, mainUv).r);
	lightIntensity = dotNL; // [-1, +1]
	lightIntensity = lightIntensity * 0.5 + 0.5; // from [-1, +1] to [0, 1]
	lightIntensity = lightIntensity * lightAttenuation; // receive shadow
	lightIntensity = lightIntensity * shadingGrade; // darker
	lightIntensity = lightIntensity * 2.0 - 1.0; // from [0, 1] to [-1, +1]
	// tooned. mapping from [minIntensityThreshold, maxIntensityThreshold] to [0, 1]
	float maxIntensityThreshold = mix(1, _ShadeShift, _ShadeToony);
	float minIntensityThreshold = _ShadeShift;
	lightIntensity = clamp((lightIntensity - minIntensityThreshold) / max(EPS_COL, (maxIntensityThreshold - minIntensityThreshold)),0.0,1.0);

	col = mix(shade_arg.rgb, lit_arg.rgb, lightIntensity);
	// Direct Light
	vec3 lighting = lightColor / 3.14159;
	lighting = mix(lighting, max(vec3(EPS_COL), max(lighting.x, max(lighting.y, lighting.z))), _LightColorAttenuation); // color atten
	return lighting;

vec3 calculateAddLighting(vec2 mainUv, float dotNL, float dotNV, float shadowAttenuation, vec3 lighting, vec3 col, out vec3 specularLight) {
//	UNITY_LIGHT_ATTENUATION(shadowAttenuation, i,;
//	lighting *= step(0, dotNL); // darken if transparent. Because Unity's transparent material can't receive shadowAttenuation.
	lighting *= 0.5; // darken if additional light.
	lighting *= min(0.0, dotNL) + 1.0; // darken dotNL < 0 area by using float lambert
	lighting *= shadowAttenuation; // darken if receiving shadow
	col *= lighting;

	// parametric rim lighting
	vec3 staticRimLighting = vec3(0.0);
	vec3 mixedRimLighting = lighting;

	vec3 rimLighting = mix(staticRimLighting, mixedRimLighting, _RimLightingMix);
	vec3 rimuru = pow(clamp(1.0 - dotNV + _RimLift, 0.0, 1.0), _RimFresnelPower) * _RimColor.rgb * texture(_RimTexture, mainUv).rgb;
	specularLight = mix(rimuru * rimLighting, vec3(0.0), isOutline);
	return col;

vec4 GammaToLinearSpace (vec4 sRGB)
	// Approximate version from
	return vec4(sRGB.rgb * (sRGB.rgb * (sRGB.rgb * 0.305306011 + 0.682171111) + 0.012522878), sRGB.a);

vec3 mix_normal(vec3 X, vec3 Y, float factor) {
	float new_x = (1.0 - factor  + factor * dot(X, Y));
	return normalize(cross(cross(X, Y), X)) * sqrt(1.0 - new_x * new_x) + new_x * normalize(X);

void fragment() {
	bool _NORMALMAP = textureSize(_BumpMap, 0).x > 8;
	bool MTOON_OUTLINE_COLOR_FIXED = _OutlineColorMode == 0.0;
	bool MTOON_OUTLINE_COLOR_MIXED = _OutlineColorMode == 1.0;

	ROUGHNESS = 1.0; // for now
	SPECULAR = 0.0; // for now
	// uv
	vec2 mainUv = UV; //TRANSFORM_TEX(i.uv0, _MainTex);
	// uv anim
	float uvAnim = texture(_UvAnimMaskTexture, mainUv).r * TIME;
	// translate uv in bottom-left origin coordinates.
	mainUv += vec2(_UvAnimScrollX, -_UvAnimScrollY) * uvAnim;
	// rotate uv counter-clockwise around (0.5, 0.5) in bottom-left origin coordinates.
	float rotateRad = _UvAnimRotation * PI_2 * uvAnim;
	const vec2 rotatePivot = vec2(0.5, 0.5);
	mainUv = mat2(vec2(cos(rotateRad), sin(rotateRad)), vec2(-sin(rotateRad), cos(rotateRad))) * (mainUv - rotatePivot) + rotatePivot;
	// main tex
	vec4 mainTex = texture(_MainTex, mainUv);
	// alpha
	float alpha = _Color.a * mainTex.a;
	 // Albedo color
	vec4 shade = texture(_ShadeTexture, mainUv);
	vec4 lit = mainTex;
	vec3 emission = texture(_EmissionMap, mainUv).rgb * _EmissionColor.rgb;

	vec3 tangentNormal = vec3(0.0,0.0,1.0);
	if (_NORMALMAP) {
		tangentNormal = UnpackScaleNormal(texture(_BumpMap, mainUv), _BumpScale);

	shade *= GammaToLinearSpace(_ShadeColor);
	lit *= GammaToLinearSpace(_Color);

	//shade = min(shade, lit); ///// Mimic look of non-PBR min() clamp we commented out below.

	// normal
	vec3 viewNormal = vec3(0.0);
	if (_NORMALMAP) {
		viewNormal.x = dot(tspace0, tangentNormal);
		viewNormal.y = dot(tspace1, tangentNormal);
		viewNormal.z = dot(tspace2, tangentNormal);
	} else {
		viewNormal = vec3(tspace0.z, tspace1.z, tspace2.z);
	vec3 viewView = VIEW;
	viewNormal *= step(0.0, dot(viewView, viewNormal)) * 2.0 - 1.0; // flip if projection matrix is flipped
	viewNormal *= mix(+1.0, -1.0, isOutline);
	viewNormal = normalize(viewNormal);
	TRANSMISSION = viewNormal;

	// Unity lighting

	// Indirect Light
	vec3 up_normal = mat3(INV_CAMERA_MATRIX) * vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0);
	float LIGHT_COME_FROM_UP_RATIO = mix(0.8, 1.0, sin(_IndirectLightIntensity));
	vec3 fragment_albedo_output = max(lit.rgb, vec3(0.0001));

	vec3 rim = pow(clamp(1.0 - dot(viewNormal, viewView) + _RimLift, 0.0, 1.0), _RimFresnelPower) * _RimColor.rgb * texture(_RimTexture, mainUv).rgb;

	emission += mix(rim * (1.0 - _RimLightingMix), vec3(0, 0, 0), isOutline);
	fragment_albedo_output += mix(rim * _RimLightingMix, vec3(0, 0, 0), isOutline);
	vec3 albedo = LIGHT_COME_FROM_UP_RATIO * fragment_albedo_output;
	NORMAL = normalize(mix_normal(up_normal, viewNormal, _IndirectLightIntensity));

	// Emission
	emission = mix(emission, vec3(0, 0, 0), isOutline);

	// additive matcap
	vec3 viewCameraUp = vec3(0.0,1.0,0.0);//normalize(CAMERA_MATRIX[1].xyz); // FIXME!!
	vec3 viewViewUp = normalize(viewCameraUp - viewView * dot(viewView, viewCameraUp));
	vec3 viewViewRight = normalize(cross(viewView, viewViewUp));
	vec2 matcapUv = vec2(-dot(viewViewRight, viewNormal), dot(viewViewUp, viewNormal)) * 0.5 + 0.5;
	vec3 matcapLighting = texture(_SphereAdd, matcapUv).rgb;
	emission += mix(matcapLighting, vec3(0, 0, 0), isOutline);

	// outline
	if (isOutline == 1.0) {
		vec3 outlineColor = GammaToLinearSpace(_OutlineColor).rgb;
			albedo = vec3(0.0);
			emission = outlineColor;
			emission = outlineColor.rgb * (1.0 - _OutlineLightingMix);
			// ALBEDO *= _OutlineLightingMix;
			lit.rgb *= outlineColor.rgb * _OutlineLightingMix;
			shade.rgb = lit.rgb;
			fragment_albedo_output = lit.rgb;
			albedo = LIGHT_COME_FROM_UP_RATIO * fragment_albedo_output;

	// debug
	if (_DebugMode >= 1.0) {
		shade = vec4(0.0);
		lit = vec4(0.0);
		// ALBEDO = vec3(0.0);
		emission = vec3(0.0);
		albedo = vec3(0.0);
		if (_DebugMode == 1.0) { //MTOON_DEBUG_NORMAL
			emission = ((mat3(CAMERA_MATRIX) * viewNormal * vec3(1.0,1.0,-1.0)) * 0.5 + vec3(0.5));
		} else if (_DebugMode == 2.0) { //MTOON_DEBUG_LITSHADERATE
			albedo = vec3(1.0) * LIGHT_COME_FROM_UP_RATIO; // lightIntensity * lighting;
		} else if (_DebugMode == 3.0) { // Add pass lighting
			emission = vec3(0.0); //addLightIntensity;
	//if (!LM_SCENEDATA_BOOL(lm_macro_system_enabled_)) {
	//	col.rgb = vec3(0.5 + 0.5 * sin(TIME +UV.x+UV.y),0.0,1.0);4

	ALBEDO = albedo;
	EMISSION = emission;

	METALLIC = 0.0;
	//ALPHA = alpha;
	if (_EnableAlphaCutout > 0.5 && alpha < _Cutoff) { discard; }

	//METALLIC = metallic;
	//ROUGHNESS = roughness;
	//SPECULAR = specular;

float SchlickFresnel(float u) {
	float m = 1.0 - u;
	float m2 = m * m;
	return m2 * m2 * m; // pow(m,5)

void light() {
		// uv
	vec2 mainUv = UV;
	float uvAnim = texture(_UvAnimMaskTexture, mainUv).r * TIME;
	mainUv += vec2(_UvAnimScrollX, -_UvAnimScrollY) * uvAnim;
	float rotateRad = _UvAnimRotation * PI_2 * uvAnim;
	const vec2 rotatePivot = vec2(0.5, 0.5);
	mainUv = mat2(vec2(cos(rotateRad), sin(rotateRad)), vec2(-sin(rotateRad), cos(rotateRad))) * (mainUv - rotatePivot) + rotatePivot;
	vec3 viewNormal = TRANSMISSION;
	vec3 viewView = VIEW;
	vec3 rim = pow(clamp(1.0 - dot(viewNormal, viewView) + _RimLift, 0.0, 1.0), _RimFresnelPower) * _RimColor.rgb * texture(_RimTexture, mainUv).rgb;
	vec4 shade = texture(_ShadeTexture, mainUv);
	vec4 lit = texture(_MainTex, mainUv);
	shade *= GammaToLinearSpace(_ShadeColor);
	lit *= GammaToLinearSpace(_Color);
	if (isOutline == 1.0 && _OutlineColorMode == 1.0) {
		vec3 outlineColor = GammaToLinearSpace(_OutlineColor).rgb;
		lit.rgb *= outlineColor * _OutlineLightingMix;
		shade.rgb = lit.rgb;

	bool isFirstLight = false;
	vec3 indirectLighting = vec3(0.0);

		isFirstLight = true;

		indirectLighting = mix(indirectLighting, max(vec3(EPS_COL), max(indirectLighting.x, max(indirectLighting.y, indirectLighting.z))), _LightColorAttenuation); // color atten
		// indirectLighting = vec3(0.0); // Some components of ambient lighting go into indirectLighting.
	// in light():

	float addDotNL =  dot(normalize(viewNormal), LIGHT);

	vec3 lighting = vec3(0.0);
	float lightIntensity = 0.0;
	vec3 addLightIntensity = vec3(0.0);
	vec3 diffuse_output = vec3(0.0);

	if (isFirstLight) {
		//UNITY_LIGHT_ATTENUATION(shadowAttenuation, i,;
		// FIXME: Removed duplicate SHADOW_ATTENUATION* multiplier.
		float lightAttenuation = mix(1.0, length(vec3(ATTENUATION))/length(vec3(1.0)), _ReceiveShadowRate * texture(_ReceiveShadowTexture, mainUv).r);

		vec3 col;
		// shade
		lighting = calculateLighting(mainUv, addDotNL, lightAttenuation, shade, lit, LIGHT_COLOR, col, lightIntensity);
		// base light does not darken.
		diffuse_output += col * lighting + indirectLighting * lit.rgb;

		//col = min(col, lit.rgb); // comment out if you want to PBR absolutely.

		// parametric rim lighting
		vec3 staticRimLighting = vec3(0.0);
		vec3 mixedRimLighting = lighting + indirectLighting;

		vec3 rimLighting = mix(staticRimLighting, mixedRimLighting, _RimLightingMix);
		SPECULAR_LIGHT += mix(rim * rimLighting, vec3(0, 0, 0), isOutline);

	} else {
		vec3 addCol = vec3(0.0);
		float addTmp;
		vec3 addLighting = calculateLighting(mainUv, addDotNL, 1.0, vec4(0.0), lit, LIGHT_COLOR, addCol, addTmp);
		vec3 specLight;
		// addLighting *= step(0, addDotNL); // darken if transparent. Because Unity's transparent material can't receive shadowAttenuation.
		diffuse_output = calculateAddLighting(mainUv, addDotNL, dot(viewNormal, VIEW), length(vec3(ATTENUATION))/length(vec3(1.0)), addLighting, addCol, specLight);
		SPECULAR_LIGHT += specLight;
	if (_DebugMode >= 1.0) {
		if (_DebugMode == 2.0) { //MTOON_DEBUG_LITSHADERATE
			diffuse_output = lightIntensity * lighting;
		} else if (_DebugMode == 3.0) { // Add pass lighting
			diffuse_output = addLightIntensity;
		SPECULAR_LIGHT = vec3(0.0);
	DIFFUSE_LIGHT += max(diffuse_output, vec3(1.0e-10));
cel, toon, vrm
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under MIT license and can be used freely. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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3 years ago

Hehe arigato-gozaimasu Lyuma-sama