Old movie shader
This shader transforms the screen image by making it grayscale, adding a vignette, varying the power of the “projector”, adding speckles and lines. I am an amateur coder and only started doing shaders 3 days ago, so I am sorry if the code is messy.
This shader modifies the SCREEN_TEXTURE, so I recommend creating a node just for this shader to manipulate screen image produced by other nodes. I used a TextureRect.
Don’t forget to add a white.png texture and a noise for the “Distortion Texture”.
I hope wiser minds will soon create a better shader!!!
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform float projector_power : hint_range(0,1) = 0.5;
uniform sampler2D distortionTexture;
uniform float vignette_param: hint_range(1,10)=20.0;
//vars related to the passing lines
//noise for the projector flickering
float noise(vec2 input){
return fract(sin(dot(input,vec2(3.1415,8952.37)*12.29))*93.116);
void fragment() {
float vignette_param2 =vignette_param+0.5*(noise(vec2(TIME/60.0,TIME/59.0)));
float vig=-vignette_param2*((UV.x-0.5)*(UV.x-0.5)+(UV.y-0.5)*(UV.y-0.5));
vec4 vignette=vec4(vig,vig,vig,1.0);
vec4 pixelcolor = texture(SCREEN_TEXTURE, SCREEN_UV);
float brightness = (.299*pixelcolor.r + 0.487*pixelcolor.g + 0.114*pixelcolor.b);
vec4 grayscale= vec4(brightness,brightness,brightness,pixelcolor.a);
vec4 random=texture(distortionTexture,UV);
//Small speckles:
float RTIME1=round(TIME*20.0);
vec2 position1=vec2(noise(vec2(RTIME1,RTIME1)),noise(vec2(RTIME1/2.0,RTIME1/2.0)));
float energy= 1000000.0*(1.0+0.5*noise(vec2(RTIME1,RTIME1)));
float xdev1=(UV.x-position1.x);
float ydev1=(UV.y-position1.y);
float spec=energy*(xdev1*xdev1+0.5*ydev1*ydev1)+.1*noise(vec2(UV.x,UV.y));
vec4 speckle=vec4(max(0.0,20.0-spec),max(0.0,20.0-spec),max(0.0,20.0-spec),1.0);
float RTIME2=round(TIME*5.0);
vec2 positionline=vec2(noise(vec2(RTIME2,RTIME2))/4.0,noise(vec2(RTIME2/3.0,RTIME2/3.0)));
float xline=(UV.x-positionline.x);
float yline=(UV.y-positionline.y);
float lin=energy*(xline*xline+0.00001*yline*yline)+.1*noise(vec2(UV.x,UV.y));
vec4 line=vec4(max(0.0,8.0-lin),max(0.0,8.0-lin),max(0.0,8.0-lin),1.0);
//combining-the parts:
vec4 dirt=mix(speckle,line,0.5);
vec4 grayscale2=mix(random,vignette,0.7);
vec4 grayscale3=mix(dirt,grayscale2,0.7);
COLOR = mix(grayscale, grayscale3, projector_power);
Where do you create your white.png ? Is it an image i should put on a sprite node ?
And what is a noise texture ?
Nevermind, I’m just too stupid to search on the TextureRect Inspector π Thanks for the shader, it’s a very good job !
I had the same doubt some months ago π Good that you figured it out π
I found a better one here: https://gist.github.com/Axeltherabbit/f8075aba20096fd2f5b5206d97b9fc8c