Old movie shader

This shader transforms the screen image by making it grayscale, adding a vignette, varying the power of the “projector”, adding speckles and lines. I am an amateur coder and only started doing shaders 3 days ago, so I am sorry if the code is messy.

This shader modifies the SCREEN_TEXTURE, so I recommend creating a node just for this shader to manipulate screen image produced by other nodes. I used a TextureRect.

Don’t forget to add a white.png texture and a noise for the “Distortion Texture”.

I hope wiser minds will soon create a better shader!!!

Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;

uniform float projector_power : hint_range(0,1) = 0.5;
uniform sampler2D distortionTexture;
uniform float vignette_param: hint_range(1,10)=20.0;

//vars related to the passing lines

//noise for the projector flickering
float noise(vec2 input){
	return fract(sin(dot(input,vec2(3.1415,8952.37)*12.29))*93.116);

void fragment() {
	float vignette_param2 =vignette_param+0.5*(noise(vec2(TIME/60.0,TIME/59.0)));
	float vig=-vignette_param2*((UV.x-0.5)*(UV.x-0.5)+(UV.y-0.5)*(UV.y-0.5));
	vec4 vignette=vec4(vig,vig,vig,1.0);

	vec4 pixelcolor = texture(SCREEN_TEXTURE, SCREEN_UV);
	float brightness = (.299*pixelcolor.r + 0.487*pixelcolor.g + 0.114*pixelcolor.b);
	vec4 grayscale= vec4(brightness,brightness,brightness,pixelcolor.a);
	vec4 random=texture(distortionTexture,UV);
	//Small speckles:
	float RTIME1=round(TIME*20.0);
	vec2 position1=vec2(noise(vec2(RTIME1,RTIME1)),noise(vec2(RTIME1/2.0,RTIME1/2.0)));
	float energy= 1000000.0*(1.0+0.5*noise(vec2(RTIME1,RTIME1)));
	float xdev1=(UV.x-position1.x);
	float ydev1=(UV.y-position1.y);
	float spec=energy*(xdev1*xdev1+0.5*ydev1*ydev1)+.1*noise(vec2(UV.x,UV.y));
	vec4 speckle=vec4(max(0.0,20.0-spec),max(0.0,20.0-spec),max(0.0,20.0-spec),1.0);
	float RTIME2=round(TIME*5.0);
	vec2 positionline=vec2(noise(vec2(RTIME2,RTIME2))/4.0,noise(vec2(RTIME2/3.0,RTIME2/3.0)));
	float xline=(UV.x-positionline.x);
	float yline=(UV.y-positionline.y);
	float lin=energy*(xline*xline+0.00001*yline*yline)+.1*noise(vec2(UV.x,UV.y));
	vec4 line=vec4(max(0.0,8.0-lin),max(0.0,8.0-lin),max(0.0,8.0-lin),1.0);
	//combining-the parts:
	vec4 dirt=mix(speckle,line,0.5);
	vec4 grayscale2=mix(random,vignette,0.7);
	vec4 grayscale3=mix(dirt,grayscale2,0.7);
	COLOR = mix(grayscale, grayscale3, projector_power);
8mm, lines, old movie, speckles, vignette
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under CC0 license and can be used freely without the author's permission. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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1 year ago

Where do you create your white.png ? Is it an image i should put on a sprite node ?
And what is a noise texture ?

1 year ago
Reply to  Butthers

Nevermind, I’m just too stupid to search on the TextureRect Inspector πŸ˜‰ Thanks for the shader, it’s a very good job !