Open Window Animation
A simple animation for opening a window like the screen shot.
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
//varible for editing effect
const float animation_time = 10.0;
const float animation_center_x = 0.5;
const float rect_top = 0.0;
const float speed_up = 10.0;
//const for calculate
const vec2 center_of_circle = vec2(0.5,0.0);
const float max_progress = 1.2;
//Method for rect animation
float get_rect_color(float progress,vec2 _uv){
float rect_left = animation_center_x - progress/2.0;
float rect_right = animation_center_x + progress/2.0;
float rect_down = rect_top + progress;
if(_uv.x >= rect_left && _uv.x <= rect_right && _uv.y <= rect_down){
return 1.0;
return 0.0;
//Method for circle animation
float get_circle_color(float progress,vec2 _center,vec2 _uv){
float _radius = distance(_center,vec2(_center.x,progress));
float _distance = distance(_center,_uv);
float ret = step(_radius,_distance);
if(ret == 1.0){
ret = 0.0;
ret = 1.0;
return ret;
void fragment(){
float progress = clamp(pow(TIME,speed_up)/animation_time,0,max_progress);
if(COLOR.a != 0.0){
//Switch Method if you need diffrent type of effect
//COLOR.a = get_circle_color(progress,center_of_circle,UV);
COLOR.a = get_rect_color(progress,UV);