2D shader: Out of body ghost effect (Pixel Art)
Create this awsome out of body ghost effect using a 2D canvas item shader. See video for instructions.
# Learn how to create 2D shaders like these
Want to master 2D shaders? Learn how to create stunning effects like these and more by gaining a deep understanding of the GDShader language in Godot:
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform float ghost_progress: hint_range(0.0, 1.0);
void fragment() {
// Set original color pallete to purple
vec3 purple_swizzle = COLOR.gbr;
vec4 base_joe_tex = vec4(purple_swizzle, COLOR.a);
// UV mapping to 'move texture up'
vec2 fly_up_uv = vec2(UV.x, UV.y + ghost_progress / 2.0);
// Sample color data from texture
float mipmap_index = ghost_progress * 4.5;
vec4 ghost_tex = textureLod(TEXTURE, fly_up_uv, mipmap_index);
// Set ghost like propperties: light color and transparency
ghost_tex.rgb = ghost_tex.rrr * 1.7;
float ghost_opacity = 0.8;
ghost_tex.a *= ghost_opacity - ghost_opacity * ghost_progress;
COLOR.rgba = mix(ghost_tex.rgba, base_joe_tex.rgba, COLOR.a);