page flip turing
mousePos = event.position-global_position
in script needed, and the COLOR is not correct if using a texture with various ALPHA, need to be improved
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform vec2 scale;
uniform vec2 mouse_pos = vec2(-1.,-1.);
vec2 Line2point(vec2 linePoint,vec2 lineDire,vec2 point) {
lineDire = normalize(lineDire);
vec2 line2Ori = - linePoint - dot(-linePoint,lineDire)*lineDire;
vec2 p2Ori = - point - dot(-point,lineDire)*lineDire;
return line2Ori-p2Ori;
vec4 ColorWithA(vec4 oldCol,vec4 newCol){
vec4 finalCol;
if((newCol.a + oldCol.a)>=1.)
finalCol.rgb = newCol.rgb ;
finalCol.a =1.0;
finalCol.rgb = newCol.a/(newCol.a + oldCol.a)*newCol.rgb + oldCol.a/(newCol.a + oldCol.a)*oldCol.rgb;
finalCol.a = oldCol.a +newCol.a;
return finalCol;
void fragment() {
vec2 uv = UV;
// vec2 mouse_uv = mouse_pos ;
float scale_min = scale.x/scale.y;
vec2 uv_max = vec2(scale_min,1.);
float trueScale;
scale_min = scale.y/scale.x;
uv.y = uv.y * scale_min;
uv_max = vec2(1.,scale_min);
// mouse_uv = mouse_pos * TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE /scale.x;
trueScale = scale.x;
uv.x = uv.x*scale_min;
// mouse_uv = mouse_pos * TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE /scale.y;
trueScale = scale.y;
COLOR= texture(TEXTURE,uv);
vec2 pPos = uv / TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE * trueScale;
if (mouse_pos.x>-0.0001)
vec2 left_bottom = vec2(0.,uv_max.y/TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE.y * trueScale);
vec2 midpoint = (mouse_pos - left_bottom)/2. + left_bottom;
// vec2 midDirect = vec2(-1.,-1.)/1.414;
vec2 midDirect = normalize(vec2(-(mouse_pos-left_bottom).y,(mouse_pos-left_bottom).x));
vec2 sharpPoint = vec2(0.,midpoint.y - midDirect.y/midDirect.x * midpoint.x);
vec2 flipEdgeDire = normalize(sharpPoint - mouse_pos);
vec2 sharpPointB = vec2(midpoint.x-midDirect.x/midDirect.y * (midpoint-left_bottom).y,left_bottom.y);
vec2 flipEdgeDireB = normalize(sharpPointB - mouse_pos);
float cyOriOff = length(mouse_pos-left_bottom);
if (cyOriOff>100.) cyOriOff = 100.;//圆柱向里面缩进
float cyR = cyOriOff*2./PI;
float pageHDire = PI/6.;
vec2 midlineToP = Line2point(midpoint,midDirect,pPos);
vec2 sideEdgeToP = Line2point(mouse_pos,flipEdgeDire,pPos);
vec2 BottomEdgeToP = Line2point(mouse_pos,flipEdgeDireB,pPos);
vec2 cyOriToP = midlineToP - normalize(mouse_pos- left_bottom)*cyOriOff;
vec2 cyEdgeToP = midlineToP - normalize(mouse_pos- left_bottom)*(cyOriOff-cyR);
bool atBG = (cyOriToP).x<=-0.01;
bool atPageBack = !atBG&&(sideEdgeToP.y>0.)&&(BottomEdgeToP.x<=0.);
// bool atCy = (cyOriToP).x<=0.;
bool atCy = cyEdgeToP.x >=0. && (cyOriToP).x<=0.;
bool atCyPage = false;
vec2 uvCy ;
vec2 uvCyB ;
float shadow = 1.;
if (atCy){
vec2 cyOri = pPos-cyOriToP;
vec2 trueDis = cyR* asin(length(cyOriToP)/cyR)*normalize(cyOriToP);
vec2 truePos = cyOri+trueDis;
vec2 sideEdgeToTP = Line2point(mouse_pos,flipEdgeDire,truePos);
vec2 BottomEdgeToTP = Line2point(mouse_pos,flipEdgeDireB,truePos);
uvCyB = truePos * TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE /trueScale;
shadow *= 1.-pow(length(trueDis)/(cyR*PI/2.),3.);
if ((BottomEdgeToTP.x<0.)&& (sideEdgeToTP.y>0.))
atCyPage = true;
uvCy = vec2(length(sideEdgeToTP),left_bottom.y-length(BottomEdgeToTP))*TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE /trueScale;
if ((uvCyB.x > uv_max.x)||(uvCyB.y > uv_max.y)||(uvCyB.x <= 0.)|| (uvCyB.y <= 0.))
atCy =false;
COLOR = vec4(0.);
if(!atBG && !atCy){
vec4 color = texture(TEXTURE,uv);
COLOR = ColorWithA(COLOR,color);
// //cyBottom
vec4 color = texture(TEXTURE,uvCyB);
// COLOR.a = 1.;
COLOR = ColorWithA(COLOR,color); = * shadow;
if (atCyPage){
vec4 color = texture(TEXTURE,uvCy); *=0.8;
COLOR = ColorWithA(COLOR,color);
// COLOR = color; =*shadow;
else if(atPageBack)
uv = vec2(length(sideEdgeToP),left_bottom.y-length(BottomEdgeToP))*TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE /trueScale;
vec4 color = texture(TEXTURE,uv); *=0.8;
COLOR = ColorWithA(COLOR,color);
vec4 color = COLOR;
color.xy = uv;
color.a =1.0;
COLOR = ColorWithA(color,COLOR);
// COLOR.xy = (vec2(midLineDis)*.01);
// Place fragment code here.
I was able to fix the transparency issue here:
Awesome, interesting how you made it turn from the left corner. Is there a simple way to have it turn from the right corner instead?