Pixel Cloud Shader

Produces pixel art style clouds for use in a parallax backdrop.

This shader uses global variables, which may be adopted in a global time of day/weather system or may be dropped for regular uniforms. Either way, I would recommend these default values for the global variables for sunny weather/afternoon lighting:


WORLD_LIGHT = #ffffe6




This shader also requires 5 textures: 3 of which (the noisemaps) I will provide, but the other 2 (the coverage/stability curve textures) must be created based on your preferences or hooked up to a weather system.

Note: this shader is based on a game with a hardcoded 640×360 resolution. If your game has a lower/higher resolution, go through every noise texture provided here and edit the resolution to match your own.

Heightmap Noise Texture (save as .tres):
[gd_resource type=”NoiseTexture2D” load_steps=3 format=3 uid=”uid://dedllj3673ele”]

[sub_resource type=”Gradient” id=”Gradient_lhy1x”]
colors = PackedColorArray(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)

[sub_resource type=”FastNoiseLite” id=”FastNoiseLite_aruhm”]
noise_type = 2
fractal_type = 0
cellular_distance_function = 1

width = 640
height = 360
seamless = true
seamless_blend_skirt = 1.0
color_ramp = SubResource(“Gradient_lhy1x”)
noise = SubResource(“FastNoiseLite_aruhm”)

Detail Map Noise Texture (save as .tres):
[gd_resource type=”NoiseTexture2D” load_steps=3 format=3 uid=”uid://x0ddqk6ocymu”]

[sub_resource type=”Gradient” id=”Gradient_r2604″]
colors = PackedColorArray(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)

[sub_resource type=”FastNoiseLite” id=”FastNoiseLite_v61vl”]
noise_type = 2
frequency = 0.1
fractal_type = 0
cellular_distance_function = 1

width = 640
height = 360
seamless = true
seamless_blend_skirt = 0.75
color_ramp = SubResource(“Gradient_r2604”)
noise = SubResource(“FastNoiseLite_v61vl”)

Normalmap Noise Texture (save as .tres):
[gd_resource type=”NoiseTexture2D” load_steps=2 format=3 uid=”uid://jgjrlj8t7dl2″]

[sub_resource type=”FastNoiseLite” id=”FastNoiseLite_0asyl”]
frequency = 0.0072
cellular_distance_function = 1
cellular_return_type = 4

width = 640
height = 360
generate_mipmaps = false
seamless = true
seamless_blend_skirt = 0.2
bump_strength = 32.0
noise = SubResource(“FastNoiseLite_0asyl”)

Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;

// Global
global uniform vec4  WORLD_LIGHT:          source_color;
global uniform vec4  WORLD_HORIZON_COLOUR: source_color;
global uniform vec4  WORLD_SKY_COLOUR:     source_color;
global uniform float WORLD_CLOUD_ENERGY;
global uniform float WORLD_CLOUD_VIBRANCY;

// Universal
uniform float wind_offset;
uniform vec3  sun_position = vec3(-1.0, 5.0, 1.0);

// Shape
uniform float noise_2D_factor_slope:  hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.25;
uniform float noise_2D_factor_detail: hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.6;
uniform float wind_sheer_1D:          hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.5;   // With how much resistance the 1D cloud features move with the rest of the cloud.
uniform float wind_sheer_2D:          hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.5;   // With how much resistance the 2D cloud features move with the rest of the cloud.

// Base
uniform bool draw_cloud_base = false;

// Texture
uniform float wind_sheer_texture_detail: hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.0;   // This is entirely based off of the prior wind sheer values.
uniform float wind_sheer_texture_normal: hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.0;
uniform float cloud_sky_influence:       hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.0;
uniform float height_shade_factor:       hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.5;
uniform float occlusion_strength:        hint_range(0.0, 1.0) = 0.2;

uniform int steps = 200;

// Samplers
uniform sampler2D weather_coverage:  filter_linear; // Should be a curve texture. These graphs must range between 0-1 otherwise there will be problems with texturing the clouds.
uniform sampler2D weather_stability: filter_linear; // Should be a curve texture. These graphs must range between 0-1 otherwise there will be problems with texturing the clouds.
uniform sampler2D map_height:        filter_linear;
uniform sampler2D map_detail:        filter_linear;
uniform sampler2D map_normals:       filter_linear;

// Constants
const float STABILITY_COEFF  = 0.33; // We multiple the stability curve with 1/3 so that a stable cloud scape is a third of the size of an unstable one.
const float MAX_DETAIL_SCALE = 0.2;
const float MIN_DETAIL_SCALE = 0.1;
const float MAX_BASE_SIZE    = 0.1;  // What is the maximum cloud base size used for the largest clouds.

struct Curve {
	float height;
	float height_static;   // Used for texturing.
	float coverage;
	float stability;

// Colour Enforcement - Juice56 Palette
vec3 colour_enforce(vec3 tex_colour) {
	vec3 palette[56];
	palette[0] = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	palette[1] = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
	palette[2] = vec3(0.784, 0.882, 0.922);
	palette[3] = vec3(0.647, 0.745, 0.804);
	palette[4] = vec3(0.471, 0.569, 0.647);
	palette[5] = vec3(0.333, 0.392, 0.49);
	palette[6] = vec3(0.216, 0.255, 0.353);
	palette[7] = vec3(0.098, 0.118, 0.235);
	palette[8] = vec3(0.078, 0.275, 0.353);
	palette[9] = vec3(0.059, 0.451, 0.451);
	palette[10] = vec3(0.059, 0.647, 0.412);
	palette[11] = vec3(0.255, 0.804, 0.451);
	palette[12] = vec3(0.451, 1.0, 0.451);
	palette[13] = vec3(0.863, 0.608, 0.471);
	palette[14] = vec3(0.698, 0.384, 0.278);
	palette[15] = vec3(0.549, 0.235, 0.196);
	palette[16] = vec3(0.353, 0.078, 0.137);
	palette[17] = vec3(0.216, 0.039, 0.078);
	palette[18] = vec3(1.0, 0.824, 0.647);
	palette[19] = vec3(0.961, 0.647, 0.431);
	palette[20] = vec3(0.902, 0.431, 0.275);
	palette[21] = vec3(0.765, 0.255, 0.176);
	palette[22] = vec3(0.549, 0.137, 0.137);
	palette[23] = vec3(0.255, 0.0, 0.255);
	palette[24] = vec3(0.49, 0.0, 0.255);
	palette[25] = vec3(0.667, 0.078, 0.235);
	palette[26] = vec3(0.843, 0.176, 0.176);
	palette[27] = vec3(0.941, 0.412, 0.137);
	palette[28] = vec3(1.0, 0.667, 0.196);
	palette[29] = vec3(1.0, 0.902, 0.353);
	palette[30] = vec3(0.745, 0.843, 0.176);
	palette[31] = vec3(0.392, 0.647, 0.118);
	palette[32] = vec3(0.137, 0.49, 0.078);
	palette[33] = vec3(0.059, 0.333, 0.098);
	palette[34] = vec3(0.059, 0.196, 0.137);
	palette[35] = vec3(0.51, 1.0, 0.882);
	palette[36] = vec3(0.255, 0.843, 0.843);
	palette[37] = vec3(0.078, 0.627, 0.804);
	palette[38] = vec3(0.078, 0.412, 0.765);
	palette[39] = vec3(0.059, 0.216, 0.608);
	palette[40] = vec3(0.059, 0.059, 0.412);
	palette[41] = vec3(0.235, 0.118, 0.549);
	palette[42] = vec3(0.392, 0.176, 0.706);
	palette[43] = vec3(0.627, 0.255, 0.843);
	palette[44] = vec3(0.902, 0.353, 0.902);
	palette[45] = vec3(1.0, 0.549, 0.784);
	palette[46] = vec3(0.294, 0.078, 0.235);
	palette[47] = vec3(0.51, 0.039, 0.392);
	palette[48] = vec3(0.706, 0.137, 0.431);
	palette[49] = vec3(0.902, 0.314, 0.471);
	palette[50] = vec3(1.0, 0.549, 0.549);
	palette[51] = vec3(1.0, 0.804, 0.706);
	palette[52] = vec3(0.902, 0.608, 0.588);
	palette[53] = vec3(0.745, 0.412, 0.451);
	palette[54] = vec3(0.588, 0.275, 0.373);
	palette[55] = vec3(0.431, 0.157, 0.314);
	float min_diff   = 1000.0;
	vec3  min_colour = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	for (int i = 0; i < palette.length(); i++) {
		float curr_dist = distance(palette[i], tex_colour);
		if (curr_dist < min_diff) {
			min_diff   = curr_dist;
			min_colour = palette[i];
	return min_colour;

// Calculates the normals of a given position.
// This can be used for additional shading effects.
vec3 get_normal(vec2 pos, vec2 pixel_size) {
	const float H = 200.0;
	// Convert the pixel size 2D vector to a 3D vector for ease of operations.
	// Whenever we index from the 'z' value, we just index a 0 at that position.
	vec3 pix = vec3(pixel_size, 0.0);
	float left  = H * texture(map_normals, pos - pix.xz).r;
	float right = H * texture(map_normals, pos + pix.xz).r;
	float down = H * texture(map_normals, pos - pix.zy).r;
	float up   = H * texture(map_normals, pos + pix.zy).r;
	return normalize(vec3(left - right, down - up, 1.0));

// Used to generate the base heightmap of the clouds along with the derivative.
// This heightmap is technically 2D since it allows the extrusion of heightmaps.
Curve gen_curve(vec2 uv, vec2 uv_absolute, vec2 pixel_size) {
	// Sample the current pixel at the heightmap.
	float n = mix(
		texture(map_height, fract(vec2(uv.x, 0.0))).r,
		texture(map_height, fract(uv)).r,
		noise_2D_factor_slope   // We may wish to sample 2D noise instead of 1D noise to include overhangs.
	// Sample the coverage and stability values.
	float coverage  = texture(weather_coverage,  vec2(uv_absolute.x, 0.0)).r;
	float stability = texture(weather_stability, vec2(uv_absolute.x, 0.0)).r;
	// Create two graphs that describe different cloudscapes; one for an unstable atmosphere and another for a stable atmosphere.
	// Let these be known as Gu, and Gs respectively.
	float gu = pow(n, 5.0);
	float gs = STABILITY_COEFF * mix(2.0, 1.0, n) * (n + mix(0.0, 0.1, coverage));
	// Define a final graph and subtract the inverse coverage from it.
	float height_base = mix(gu, gs, stability);
	float height      = clamp(height_base - (1.0 - coverage), -MAX_DETAIL_SCALE, 1.0);   // Clamp it to the negated version of the max detail scale. We clamp it to zero later.
	return Curve(height, height, coverage, stability);

// Creates the cloud shape itself.
Curve shape_cloud(vec2 uv, vec2 pixel_size) {
	// Create a set of UV maps which will be used throughout the function.
	vec2 uv_with_wind    = uv + vec2(wind_offset, 0.0);
	vec2 uv_detail_1D    = vec2(mix(uv_with_wind, uv, wind_sheer_1D).x, 0.0);
	vec2 uv_detail_2D    = mix(uv_with_wind, uv, wind_sheer_2D);
	vec2 uv_detail_1D_ww = vec2(uv_with_wind.x, 0.0);   // With Wind
	vec2 uv_detail_2D_ww = uv_with_wind;                // With Wind
	Curve base_cloud = gen_curve(uv_with_wind, uv, pixel_size);
	// Add some detail to the cloud's heightmap.
	float detail_scale = mix(MAX_DETAIL_SCALE, MIN_DETAIL_SCALE, base_cloud.stability);
	float detail_y1    = texture(map_detail, fract(uv_detail_1D)).r;
	float detail_xy    = texture(map_detail, fract(uv_detail_2D)).r;
	float detail_y1_ww = texture(map_detail, fract(uv_detail_1D_ww)).r;   // With Wind
	float detail_xy_ww = texture(map_detail, fract(uv_detail_2D_ww)).r;   // With Wind
	float detail    = mix(detail_y1,    detail_xy,    noise_2D_factor_detail) * detail_scale;
	float detail_ww = mix(detail_y1_ww, detail_xy_ww, noise_2D_factor_detail) * detail_scale;   // With Wind
	if (base_cloud.height > -detail_scale) {   // Clamping this to zero would've removed necessary detail around the base of the cloud.
		base_cloud.height        += detail;
		base_cloud.height_static += detail_ww;
	base_cloud.height        = max(base_cloud.height,        0.0);   // Clamp it to zero now hat we've dealt with the cloud details.
	base_cloud.height_static = max(base_cloud.height_static, 0.0);
	return base_cloud;

// Shades and colours the cloud.
vec4 shade_cloud(Curve curve, vec2 uv, vec2 pixel_size) {
	vec2  uv_with_wind = uv + vec2(wind_offset, 0.0);
	float occlusion   = 0.0;
	// Raycast to procedurally shade the clouds.
	float bump_occlusion    = texture(map_normals, fract(mix(uv_with_wind, uv, wind_sheer_texture_detail))).r;
	vec3  ray_pos_occlusion = vec3(uv_with_wind.x, bump_occlusion, uv_with_wind.y);
	vec3  ray_dir_occlusion = (sun_position - ray_pos_occlusion) / float(steps);
	for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++) {
		ray_pos_occlusion += ray_dir_occlusion;  // Step towards the sun.
		// Check the height at the new location.
		float height = texture(map_normals, fract(ray_pos_occlusion.xz)).r;
		if (height > ray_pos_occlusion.y) {
			occlusion = 1.0;   // We are inside of a shadow.
		if (ray_pos_occlusion.y > 1.0)
	// Calculate the diffuse lighting factor based on the normal and direction vectors
	// We have to compute the ray position/direction again because we're using a different wind sheer variable.
	float bump_diffuse    = texture(map_normals, fract(mix(uv_with_wind, uv, wind_sheer_texture_normal))).r;
	vec3  ray_pos_diffuse = vec3(uv_with_wind.x, bump_diffuse, uv_with_wind.y);
	vec3  ray_dir_diffuse = (sun_position - ray_pos_diffuse) / float(steps);
	float diffuse = clamp(dot(get_normal(fract(mix(uv_with_wind, uv, wind_sheer_texture_normal)), pixel_size), 1.0 - ray_dir_diffuse), 0.0, 1.0);
	// As it turns out, using the height actually provides a good base shade value due to the noise textures.
	// We also normalize this value by clamping it within the current graph's range (meaning that small clouds will be as dynamic as big clouds).
	// Explanations:
	// A: Block out diffuse lighting towards the base to prevent oversaturated texturing.
	// B: Ensure that a good amount of the cloud gets textured with the height offset on the interpolation graph.
	// C: Ensure that all clouds big or small get diffuse lighting.
	vec3 base_shade  = vec3(mix(curve.height_static, curve.height, wind_sheer_texture_normal) * mix(mix(6.0, 14.0, curve.stability), 1.0, curve.coverage)) - occlusion * occlusion_strength;
	     base_shade *= mix(1.0, 1.0 - uv.y, height_shade_factor);
	     base_shade += (1.0 - diffuse) * mix(-0.2, 0.0 /* A */, min(max(uv.y - (0.5 /* B */ * mix(3.0, 1.0, curve.coverage) /* C */), 0.0) * 10.0, 1.0));   // An equation that tries to balance the diffuse and base lighting models.
	// Draw the clouds with a base if required.
	if (draw_cloud_base) {
		// Determine the region that we are to draw the cloud base for.
		// This is relient on the height of the curve, with the stability coefficient in the stability graph partially cancelled out.
		// We also add a buffer to prevent the base from clipping out of bounds. This may need to change if the way that the width is calculated changes.
		float height               = 1.0 - uv.y;
		float cloud_base_threshold = MAX_BASE_SIZE + 0.02;   // Buffer added here.
		float cloud_base_width     = mix(0.0, MAX_BASE_SIZE, mix(curve.height, curve.height / (STABILITY_COEFF * 1.5), texture(weather_stability, uv).r));
		if (height < cloud_base_threshold) {
			vec3 old_base_shade = base_shade;
			// Add two swaths of the detail texture to the top of the base's rim and the bottom.
			float detail_scale = mix(MAX_DETAIL_SCALE, MIN_DETAIL_SCALE, curve.stability);
			float detail_y1 = texture(map_detail, fract(vec2(uv_with_wind.x, 0.0))).r;
			float detail_xy = texture(map_detail, fract(uv_with_wind)).r;
			float detail    = mix(detail_y1, detail_xy, noise_2D_factor_detail) * detail_scale;
			// Draw the two main swaths across the base, and two smaller swathes in the actual base as highlights.
			float base_start = cloud_base_threshold - (detail * 0.15);
			if (height >= base_start)  // Swath 1 Start
				base_shade = base_shade;
			else if (height >= cloud_base_threshold - (cloud_base_width * 0.1) - (detail * 0.05))  // Swath 1 End - Swath 2 Start
				base_shade = vec3(0.0);
			else if (height >= cloud_base_threshold - (cloud_base_width * 0.25) - (detail * 0.15))   // Highlight Swath 1 Start
				base_shade = vec3(0.3);
			else if (height >= cloud_base_threshold - (cloud_base_width * 0.75) - (detail * 0.05))   // Highlight Swath 1 End
				base_shade = vec3(0.0);
			else if (height >= cloud_base_threshold - cloud_base_width - (detail * 0.05))   // Highlight Swath 2 Start
				base_shade = vec3(0.3);
			else if (height >= cloud_base_threshold - cloud_base_width - (detail * 0.1))   // Highlight Swath 1 End
				base_shade = vec3(0.0);
			else  // Swath 2 End
				return vec4(0.0);
			base_shade -= (1.0 - diffuse) * 0.1;   // Make the swathes look a little more organic by adding some texture to them.
			base_shade = mix(base_shade, old_base_shade, clamp((height - base_start) / (cloud_base_threshold - base_start), 0.0, 1.0));   // Blend the base with the rest of the cloud.
	base_shade   = colour_enforce(base_shade);
	float factor = ((base_shade.r + base_shade.g + base_shade.b) / 3.0);
	base_shade.rgb = mix(
		mix(WORLD_LIGHT, WORLD_SKY_COLOUR, cloud_sky_influence),
	return vec4(base_shade, 1.0);

// Called for every pixel the material is visible on.
void fragment() {
	float height = 1.0 - UV.y;
	Curve curve  = shape_cloud(UV, SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE);
	if (height > curve.height)
		COLOR = vec4(0.0);
	else {
		COLOR = shade_cloud(curve, UV, SCREEN_PIXEL_SIZE);
	// positive = more saturation
	// negative = less saturation
	// 0.0 = unchanged
	// -1.0 = grayscale
	// < -1.0 = color inversion
	float saturation_scale = WORLD_CLOUD_VIBRANCY;
	float average = (COLOR.x + COLOR.y + COLOR.z) / 3.0;
	float xd = average - COLOR.r;
    float yd = average - COLOR.g;
    float zd = average - COLOR.b;
    COLOR.r += xd * -saturation_scale;
    COLOR.g += yd * -saturation_scale;
    COLOR.b += zd * -saturation_scale;
clouds, environment, parallax, pixel-art, sky
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under MIT license and can be used freely. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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9 months ago

This shader is amazing! however i must ask, how did you get the desktop bar at the top? I love how it looks!

Artur Flis
Artur Flis
9 months ago

What is the distro your on in the screenshot? Its really cool!