3D Pixelart Upscaler/Filter

Shader for upscaling pixelart. Works with Godot 4.

Important the image has to be filtered.


Shader code
	Pixelart Upscaler/Filter Shader by Firerabbit
	MIT License
shader_type spatial;

uniform sampler2D albedo_tex: source_color;
uniform vec2 pixel_count = vec2(64);
uniform float FILTER_GAMMA = 1.0;
uniform float COLOR_GAMMA = 1.0;

vec2 snap_UV1(vec2 uv, vec2 steps) {
	return (floor(uv / steps) + 0.5) * steps;

float length_squared(vec4 v0) {
	return v0.x*v0.x + v0.y*v0.y + v0.z*v0.z + v0.w*v0.w ;
void fragment() {
	vec2 TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE = 1.0 / pixel_count;
	vec2 shift = vec2(-TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE *.5);
	vec2 pixel_size = TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE;
	// sample the color from the filtered image
	vec4 color_sample0 = texture(albedo_tex, UV + pixel_size * .5 + shift);
	// sample the color from 4 points at positions with a small influence of interpolation
	vec2 sample_uv = snap_UV1(UV + shift, pixel_size);
	vec2 offset = pixel_size; 
	vec4 color_sample1 = texture(albedo_tex, sample_uv + vec2(0.0,0.0));
	vec4 color_sample2 = texture(albedo_tex, sample_uv + vec2(+offset.x,0.0));
	vec4 color_sample3 = texture(albedo_tex, sample_uv + vec2(0.0,+offset.y));
	vec4 color_sample4 = texture(albedo_tex, sample_uv + vec2(+offset.x,+offset.y));
	vec4 color = color_sample0;
	// gamma adjusment for filtering, affects the brightness influence
	color_sample0 = pow(color_sample0, vec4(FILTER_GAMMA));
	color_sample1 = pow(color_sample1, vec4(FILTER_GAMMA));
	color_sample2 = pow(color_sample2, vec4(FILTER_GAMMA));
	color_sample3 = pow(color_sample3, vec4(FILTER_GAMMA));
	color_sample4 = pow(color_sample4, vec4(FILTER_GAMMA));
	// calculating the diviation 
	float d1 = length_squared(color_sample0 - color_sample1);
	float d2 = length_squared(color_sample0 - color_sample2);
	float d3 = length_squared(color_sample0 - color_sample3);
	float d4 = length_squared(color_sample0 - color_sample4);
	float d0 = 1000.0;
	color = color_sample0;
	if (d0 > d1) {
		d0 = d1;
		color = color_sample1;
	if (d0 > d2) {
		d0 = d2;
		color = color_sample2;
	if (d0 > d3) {
		d0 = d3;
		color = color_sample3;
	if (d0 > d4) {
		d0 = d4;
		color = color_sample4;
	color = pow(color, vec4(COLOR_GAMMA/FILTER_GAMMA));
	ALBEDO = color.rgb * 0.6;
	EMISSION = color.rgb * 0.3;
	ALPHA = color.a;
filter, pixel, pixelart, size, upscaler
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under MIT license and can be used freely. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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