3D Pixelart Upscaler/Filter
Shader for upscaling pixelart. Works with Godot 4.
Important the image has to be filtered.
Shader code
Pixelart Upscaler/Filter Shader by Firerabbit
MIT License
shader_type spatial;
uniform sampler2D albedo_tex: source_color;
uniform vec2 pixel_count = vec2(64);
uniform float FILTER_GAMMA = 1.0;
uniform float COLOR_GAMMA = 1.0;
vec2 snap_UV1(vec2 uv, vec2 steps) {
return (floor(uv / steps) + 0.5) * steps;
float length_squared(vec4 v0) {
return v0.x*v0.x + v0.y*v0.y + v0.z*v0.z + v0.w*v0.w ;
void fragment() {
vec2 TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE = 1.0 / pixel_count;
vec2 shift = vec2(-TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE *.5);
vec2 pixel_size = TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE;
// sample the color from the filtered image
vec4 color_sample0 = texture(albedo_tex, UV + pixel_size * .5 + shift);
// sample the color from 4 points at positions with a small influence of interpolation
vec2 sample_uv = snap_UV1(UV + shift, pixel_size);
vec2 offset = pixel_size;
vec4 color_sample1 = texture(albedo_tex, sample_uv + vec2(0.0,0.0));
vec4 color_sample2 = texture(albedo_tex, sample_uv + vec2(+offset.x,0.0));
vec4 color_sample3 = texture(albedo_tex, sample_uv + vec2(0.0,+offset.y));
vec4 color_sample4 = texture(albedo_tex, sample_uv + vec2(+offset.x,+offset.y));
vec4 color = color_sample0;
// gamma adjusment for filtering, affects the brightness influence
color_sample0 = pow(color_sample0, vec4(FILTER_GAMMA));
color_sample1 = pow(color_sample1, vec4(FILTER_GAMMA));
color_sample2 = pow(color_sample2, vec4(FILTER_GAMMA));
color_sample3 = pow(color_sample3, vec4(FILTER_GAMMA));
color_sample4 = pow(color_sample4, vec4(FILTER_GAMMA));
// calculating the diviation
float d1 = length_squared(color_sample0 - color_sample1);
float d2 = length_squared(color_sample0 - color_sample2);
float d3 = length_squared(color_sample0 - color_sample3);
float d4 = length_squared(color_sample0 - color_sample4);
float d0 = 1000.0;
color = color_sample0;
if (d0 > d1) {
d0 = d1;
color = color_sample1;
if (d0 > d2) {
d0 = d2;
color = color_sample2;
if (d0 > d3) {
d0 = d3;
color = color_sample3;
if (d0 > d4) {
d0 = d4;
color = color_sample4;
color = pow(color, vec4(COLOR_GAMMA/FILTER_GAMMA));
ALBEDO = color.rgb * 0.6;
EMISSION = color.rgb * 0.3;
ALPHA = color.a;