Quick sky
This sky shader takes a regular texture and cleverly maps it onto the entire sky sphere. Any texture will work. For space, I’ve been using free images from the Hubble telescope
Repeat seams are blended too via textureSeamless()
Shader code
shader_type sky;
uniform sampler2D sky_tex : source_color;
uniform float energy : hint_range(0.0, 10.0, 0.1) = 1.0;
uniform float gamma : hint_range(0.0,4.0) = 1.0;
uniform float scale : hint_range(0.0,4.0) = 1.0;
uniform float triplanar_blend_power : hint_range(0.0,40.0) = 4.0;
uniform float seamless_blend : hint_range(0.0,0.5) = 0.1;
vec4 textureSeamless(sampler2D tex, vec2 uv, vec2 padding){
vec2 inv_scale = 1.0 / (1.0 + 2.0 * padding);
// Get partial derivatives here for textureGrad() to avoid mipmapping seams
vec2 dx = dFdx(uv) * inv_scale;
vec2 dy = dFdy(uv) * inv_scale;
// Textures need to repeat somewhere. In addition, repeat must be enabled on the sampler
uv = fract(uv+0.5)-0.5;
// Get the bilinear blend factors. This is actually undefined for padding = 0
vec2 u = smoothstep(-padding, padding, uv);
// Apply scale
uv *= inv_scale;
// Bilinear interpolation
inv_scale = 0.5 * (1.0 - inv_scale);
vec4 lower_right = textureGrad(tex, uv - vec2(-1,-1) * inv_scale, dx, dy);
vec4 lower_left = textureGrad(tex, uv - vec2(1,-1) * inv_scale, dx, dy);
vec4 upper_right = textureGrad(tex, uv - vec2(-1,1) * inv_scale, dx, dy);
vec4 upper_left = textureGrad(tex, uv - vec2(1,1) * inv_scale, dx, dy);
lower_right = mix(lower_left, lower_right, u.x);
upper_right = mix(upper_left, upper_right, u.x);
return mix(upper_right, lower_right, u.y);
// "p" point being textured
// "n" surface normal at "p"
// "k" controls the sharpness of the blending in the transitions areas
// "s" texture sampler
vec4 boxmap( in sampler2D s, in vec3 p, in vec3 n, in float k )
// project+fetch
vec4 x = textureSeamless( s, p.yz, vec2(seamless_blend) );
vec4 y = textureSeamless( s, p.zx, vec2(seamless_blend) );
vec4 z = textureSeamless( s, p.xy, vec2(seamless_blend) );
// blend weights
vec3 w = pow( abs(n), vec3(k) );
// blend and return
return (x*w.x + y*w.y + z*w.z) / (w.x + w.y + w.z);
void sky() {
// Ray direction
vec3 rd = EYEDIR;
COLOR = boxmap(sky_tex, rd * scale, rd, triplanar_blend_power).rgb;
COLOR = energy * pow(COLOR, vec3(gamma));