Sea water with 4 layers.

Mesh ripple controls and texture sliding, with several layers.

Shader code
shader_type spatial;
render_mode blend_mix, depth_draw_opaque, cull_disabled;

uniform sampler2D albedo_texture;
uniform float albedo_amount = 1.0;
uniform sampler2D normal_texture;
uniform float normal_amount = 1.0;
uniform sampler2D roughness_texture;
uniform float roughness_amount = 1.0;
uniform sampler2D ao_texture;
uniform float ao_amount = 1.0;
uniform sampler2D metal_texture;
uniform float metal_amount = 1.0;
uniform float specular_amount = 1.0;

uniform sampler2D overlay_texture_01;
uniform float overlay_amount_01 = 1.0;
uniform float overlay_slide_speed_x_01 = 1.0;
uniform float overlay_slide_speed_y_01 = 1.0;

uniform sampler2D overlay_texture_02;
uniform float overlay_amount_02 = 1.0;
uniform float overlay_slide_speed_x_02 = 1.0;
uniform float overlay_slide_speed_y_02 = 1.0;

uniform sampler2D overlay_texture_03;
uniform float overlay_amount_03 = 1.0;
uniform float overlay_slide_speed_x_03 = 1.0;
uniform float overlay_slide_speed_y_03 = 1.0;

uniform sampler2D height_texture;
uniform float height_amount = 1.0;

uniform sampler2D normal_texture_02;
uniform float normal_amount_02 = 1.0;
uniform float normal_slide_speed_x_02 = 1.0;
uniform float normal_slide_speed_y_02 = 1.0;

uniform vec2 texture_scale = vec2(1.0, 1.0);
uniform float slide_speed_x = 1.0;
uniform float slide_speed_y = 1.0;
uniform float wave_amplitude_x = 0.1;
uniform float wave_frequency_x = 2.0;
uniform float wave_speed_x = 1.0;
uniform bool wave_direction_x = true; // true = upward, false = downward
uniform float wave_amplitude_z = 0.1;
uniform float wave_frequency_z = 2.0;
uniform float wave_speed_z = 1.0;
uniform bool wave_direction_z = true; // true = upward, false = downward
uniform float overall_opacity = 1.0;

void vertex() {
    float wave_x = sin(VERTEX.x * wave_frequency_x + TIME * wave_speed_x) * wave_amplitude_x;
    float wave_z = sin(VERTEX.z * wave_frequency_z + TIME * wave_speed_z) * wave_amplitude_z;

    if (!wave_direction_x) {
        wave_x = -wave_x;

    if (!wave_direction_z) {
        wave_z = -wave_z;

    float height_value = texture(height_texture, UV).r * height_amount;
    VERTEX.y += wave_x + wave_z + height_value;
    VERTEX = vec3(VERTEX.x, VERTEX.y, VERTEX.z);

void fragment() {
    vec2 uv = UV;

    uv.x += TIME * slide_speed_x;
    uv.y += TIME * slide_speed_y;

    vec2 overlay_uv_01 = UV;
    overlay_uv_01.x += TIME * overlay_slide_speed_x_01;
    overlay_uv_01.y += TIME * overlay_slide_speed_y_01;

    vec2 overlay_uv_02 = UV;
    overlay_uv_02.x += TIME * overlay_slide_speed_x_02;
    overlay_uv_02.y += TIME * overlay_slide_speed_y_02;

    vec2 overlay_uv_03 = UV;
    overlay_uv_03.x += TIME * overlay_slide_speed_x_03;
    overlay_uv_03.y += TIME * overlay_slide_speed_y_03;

    vec2 normal_uv_02 = UV;
    normal_uv_02.x += TIME * normal_slide_speed_x_02;
    normal_uv_02.y += TIME * normal_slide_speed_y_02;

    uv *= texture_scale;
    overlay_uv_01 *= texture_scale;
    overlay_uv_02 *= texture_scale;
    overlay_uv_03 *= texture_scale;
    normal_uv_02 *= texture_scale;

    // Load and sample the textures
    vec4 albedo_color = texture(albedo_texture, uv);
    vec3 normal_color = texture(normal_texture, uv).rgb;
    vec3 normal_color_02 = texture(normal_texture_02, normal_uv_02).rgb;
    float roughness_value = texture(roughness_texture, uv).r;
    float ao_value = texture(ao_texture, uv).r;
    float metal_value = texture(metal_texture, uv).r;
    vec4 overlay_color_01 = texture(overlay_texture_01, overlay_uv_01);
    vec4 overlay_color_02 = texture(overlay_texture_02, overlay_uv_02);
    vec4 overlay_color_03 = texture(overlay_texture_03, overlay_uv_03);

    // Apply the textures
    ALBEDO = mix(vec3(1.0), albedo_color.rgb, albedo_amount);
    NORMAL = normalize(mix(vec3(0.5, 0.5, 1.0), normal_color * 2.0 - 1.0, normal_amount));
    NORMAL = normalize(mix(NORMAL, normal_color_02 * 2.0 - 1.0, normal_amount_02));
    ROUGHNESS = mix(0.5, roughness_value, roughness_amount);
    AO = mix(1.0, ao_value, ao_amount);
    METALLIC = mix(0.0, metal_value, metal_amount);
    SPECULAR = specular_amount;
    ALPHA = albedo_color.a * overall_opacity;

    // Apply the overlay textures
    ALBEDO = mix(ALBEDO, overlay_color_01.rgb, overlay_color_01.a * overlay_amount_01);
    ALBEDO = mix(ALBEDO, overlay_color_02.rgb, overlay_color_02.a * overlay_amount_02);
    ALBEDO = mix(ALBEDO, overlay_color_03.rgb, overlay_color_03.a * overlay_amount_03);
layers, river, sea, water
The shader code and all code snippets in this post are under CC0 license and can be used freely without the author's permission. Images and videos, and assets depicted in those, do not fall under this license. For more info, see our License terms.

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