Simple horizontal radar scan with blip trace

To use this shader add it to a TextureRect that has a texture. As there are no array uniforms in gdshader i had to add positions manually one by one. Just repeat the code for each position.

Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;

uniform vec4 background_color: hint_color;
uniform float scan_line_width: hint_range(0.0, 0.5, 0.01);

uniform vec2 position_1;
uniform vec2 position_2;
uniform vec2 position_3;
uniform vec2 position_4;
uniform vec2 position_5;
uniform vec2 position_6;

void fragment() {
	COLOR = vec4(background_color.rgb, 0.8);
	float scan_front_pos = fract(TIME / 5.0);
	float scan_back_pos = scan_front_pos - scan_line_width;
	if (length(UV - position_1) < 0.02) {
		COLOR *= fract(position_1.x - scan_front_pos) + 1.0;
	if (length(UV - position_2) < 0.02) {
		COLOR *= fract(position_2.x - scan_front_pos) + 1.0;
		if (length(UV - position_3) < 0.02) {
		COLOR *= fract(position_3.x - scan_front_pos) + 1.0;
	if (UV.x > scan_back_pos && UV.x <= scan_front_pos) {
		float ratio = (UV.x - scan_back_pos) / scan_line_width + 1.0;
		COLOR = vec4( * ratio, COLOR.a);
blip, radar, trace
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