Simple Thin Outline
Works by using two diagonal copies of the texture, perfect for achieving a thin outline. However, this method is not suitable for creating thick outlines.
Works for Godot 4.3 (currently latest)
# Learn how to create 2D shaders like these
Want to master 2D shaders? Learn how to create stunning effects like these and more by gaining a deep understanding of the GDShader language in Godot:
# Credits
Credits to the creator of this cool necromancer sprite!
Credits character
Shader code
shader_type canvas_item;
uniform vec3 outline_color: source_color;
uniform float progress: hint_range(0.0, 1.0);
void fragment() {
vec4 line_negative = vec4(outline_color.rgb, texture(TEXTURE, UV - 0.002).a);
vec4 line_positive = vec4(outline_color.rgb, texture(TEXTURE, UV + 0.002).a);
vec4 outline = mix(line_negative, line_positive, line_positive);
COLOR.rgba = mix(COLOR, outline, progress * (1.0 - COLOR.a));