spinning propeller blade
Create a MeshInstance3D, set the mesh type to a plane then add this shader to it to see the effect.
Shader code
shader_type spatial;
uniform vec3 color = vec3(0.0);
const float lim = 0.0;
const float speed = 2.5;
void fragment() {
ALBEDO = vec3(0.5);
float angle = TIME * speed;
float x = cos(angle)*(UV.x-0.5) + sin(angle)*(UV.y-0.5);
float y = -sin(angle)*(UV.x-0.5) + cos(angle)*(UV.y-0.5);
float dist = sqrt(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2));
if(dist < 0.5){
ALPHA = 0.25 - (((pow(x, 2)/dist) - pow(y, 2)/2.0) * 5.0);
ALPHA /= 2.0;
if(ALPHA < lim){
ALPHA = lim;
ALPHA += 0.15;
}else{ ALPHA = 0.0; }
This is great!
The code as written ignores the color parameter, just change line 8 to ALBEDO = color; to fix that.
The effect is also only on 1 side of the mesh as written. Add
render_mode cull_disabled;
To see it from other anles.